Well, aside from one important thing.
“Boadicea, you’re not fooling anyone, darlin'. Least of all me.” Braun’s breath ruffled her hair gently as he exhaled. “This busy mind is blowing shit way, way out of proportion again. Just be warned if you run a second time, I’m chasing your ass down to the ends of the earth and hauling you home.”
Goddamn him.
He shifted beneath her, leaning to the side and almost pitching her off his body onto the floor—or so it felt like. With a breathless squeak, she clung to him as he chuckled and checked the time on his phone. “Fucking four-forty a.m. Even the sun hasn’t gotten its ass out of bed yet, Bodie. Are you gonna be a good girl and go back to sleep, or do I need to keep you occupied until your brain switches off?”
Occupied how? No, bad thinking! Skipping merrily down that path can only lead to bad, bad things happening. But her stern warning fell on deaf ears as her pussy readied itself for one hell of a party. Even her breasts were anticipating the festivities, growing heavy and sensitive, her nipples tightening into peaked buds where they pressed against his firm pecs.
Her agreement to be a good girl fell by the wayside, locked in her throat when his hands skimmed up her back to knead her tense shoulders. Everything felt as though it was falling into place, and she wasn’t ready for it all to align.
The heat of him defrosted the chill seizing her insides, banishing much of her anxiety. As they lay in the darkness, his fingers working their magic on the knots in her muscles, she absorbed his warmth and his scent, bathed in both until the sensation of being cherished sank in.
The logical conclusion to their current situation was, of course, sex.
Her body was eager to participate; her mind not so much, recalling the horrors of what she’d once seen. But even with those images in mind, trusting Braun came easier than she’d ever believed possible. Naked, sprawled over him, she couldn’t be more vulnerable, but he didn’t seem inclined to rush anything.
Sounding more alert now, Braun was the first to disturb the peaceful silence. There was a rough edge of sleep still haunting the edges of his tone, as though he wasn’t quite ready to admit defeat and wake up properly. “Connie told me we have a little dilemma, darlin'. Something you’ve been scared to tell me, or anyone for that matter. I’d like to hear it from your lips.”
Obstinacy lifted its ugly head. If he knew, why did he need her to say it all again? The man had spent too much time in Jasper’s company; the sadist was rubbing off on Braun. “I’m not hashing it all out again, Braun.”
“Not asking you to, little one.” Shit, he was sliding back into Dom mode. “I’d just like to hear it from you for once. I think my firecracker has the balls to move past embarrassment and say the words.”
“And then what? I knew I shouldn’t have said anything to Connie. I told her I didn’t want to be coddled and fussed over—if we’re going to have sex, I just want to get it over with and move past this bullshit.” There was an edge to her voice she couldn’t stop, nerves making it snappy and irritable. Brattish.
Braun laughed, deep and devilish. “Who said anything about coddling you, Boadicea?” His hands cruised down to her hips, rearranged her more comfortably on top of him, then held her firmly in place as his pelvis undulated beneath her, thrusting his cock slowly along the seam of her pussy through his shorts. “I fully intended to take you during the scene last night, little one. Would’ve done if you hadn’t floated off.”
She flushed so keenly, she thought the ends of her hair were singeing from the heat. She barely stifled a moan as her center slickened at the memory of his mouth on her, his tongue fluttering into her opening. “If you’d done that, we’d be having an entirely different conversation right now.”
“Hell, yes, we would,” he affirmed on a growl. “There wouldn’t be any conversation right now because I’d be watching you ride my cock in the light of dawn. You’d also have an appropriately sore ass for not telling me I was your first lover.”
Bodie shoved up, pressing her hands on his chest to push herself upright, and stared down at him in the dark. “There’s no way in hell you’re spanking me for not telling you something you didn’t need to know! Fucking Connie.” The sheets slid down her back to pool around her butt, cool air kissing her breasts and tightening the peaks further. She wiggled as the new position put pressure on where his erection pressed into her.
The world flipped around, and she found herself on her back with one hundred and eighty pounds of aroused male pinning her into the mattress. She squeaked, wriggled, but quickly subsided when his teeth bit lightly into her shoulder.
Oh, that really shouldn’t press her buttons, but he was seconds away from firing her like a rocket into the ceiling.
“Connie isn’t part of this, Bodie; this is about us and the secrets you’re hiding from me. Because I know there’s more you’re not telling me.” His mouth nibbled up her neck toward her ear, and she tilted her head to allow him access. “But I get it, you’re used to holding back, being on your own. Anything you’ve told someone always comes back to bite you on the ass, right?”
She couldn’t do anything but exhale and nod. If she moved a muscle, her body would erupt before he touched her.
“The only thing you need to worry about biting your ass now, is me. Literally. I really want to sink my teeth into that firm backside,” he added when a nervous laugh escaped her. “But, that’s a special treat for later. Right now, I need you to say three simple words so I can proceed to ravish you as per your wishes, with no coddling, no fussing, and definitely no mushy stuff for good measure.”
No more fighting him. How does he expect me to resist him when he’s like this, funny and dominant and sexy in the dark? Bodie closed her eyes and breathed, long and slow, as his lips captured the lobe of her ear and he sucked gently, sending yet more signals to her pussy. On a heavy exhale, she acquiesced. “I’m a virgin.”
“See, wasn’t that easy?” His stubbled cheek rubbed lightly over hers, prickling her skin. “No lightning bolts striking from above, and hell hasn’t frozen over. So, are you one hundred percent sure you want me to resolve that issue for you, little one? Again, say the words.”
“Yes.” She choked on her next breath. “Yes, please.”
“Good girl. We’re gonna carry on being a good girl, aren’t we, and let me know if I do something you don’t like.” His mouth was everywhere but where she needed it—on hers, kissing away the rising anxiety. “This isn’t a scene, Bodie, but the safewords still stand. I don’t care if my cock is buried inside you, ready to pump my balls dry; if you’re not happy, you tell me, okay?”
She could live with that. It was reassuring, actually, to realize he was thinking of her rather than the end goal. “Okay. I can manage that.”
Now he kissed her, unerringly finding her lips in the dark. Stealing her breath and her wits with one long, slow melding of mouths. She loved what he could do to her with just his mouth; it was like he sought out all the bad stuff and sucked it away, replacing it with the freedom he brought with tongue and lips.
He kissed her until all she could think about was how their mouths came together, until reality whipped away into the dark and he became her world. So much so, she whimpered pitifully as he drew gently away, reaching out and flipping on the bedside lamp so soft, warm light bathed the room.
Bodie blinked up at him owlishly. “What?”