“With a condition on her release, yes. Think you’ve got her running scared, Steven. I’ve seen slower lightning in motion.”
Steven smirked. “She hates enemas. Especially when I add some ginger and peppermint for extra bite. I do love torturing that woman. Speaking of which, I think I just spotted her bare butt on route for barn three. Excuse me, gentlemen.”
“I pity the lass once he catches her,” Braun mused as he and Jasper continued toward the walkway. He glanced down, relieved to see Bodie was still out like a light—he didn’t think she’d react well to talk of enemas and anal sex. “Ginger and peppermint? That’s just mean.”
Jasper rolled his eyes. “It’s inspired, Braun. You’ve just gotten soft in your old age. Or maybe,” he added innocently, shooting a knowing look at Bodie, “because of a certain little poppet.”
“Or maybe I’m just not as sadistic as you and Steven.”
“Oh, that’s the truth. Sadism’s not just a skill, you know.”
“It’s a God given right to torture willing subbies,” Braun drawled.
“Well, you and Steven can concoct despicably evil ways to drive the masochists wild together. Me? I want a drink and someplace to sit down with my own satisfied subbie on my knee. That’s the extent of my goals tonight.”
They pushed through the doors, finding the walkway blissfully quiet, and wandered along in companionable silence for a few moments. When they reached the communal area, Bodie stirred, her feet twitching.
“I’ll take your floggers to Liam, ask him to stow them until later.” Jasper offered, plucking them from Braun’s pocket. “There’s a booth in the far corner free. Might be quieter for sleeping beauty here. Usual to drink?”
“Please. And a bottle of water for Bodie.”
“Got it. Back in five.”
They split off, Jasper beelining for the bar and scaring a huddle of unattached submissives near the bar by snapping the tails of the floggers in his hand against his leather pants. All but one of subs headed further down the bar...the one who didn’t scamper off regarded the Master with open fascination.
Bad move, subbie. Don’t toy with the sadist if you don’t want to play.
Leaving Jasper to deal with the doe-eyed sub quivering like an excited puppy, Braun cut across the busy room to the far corner. He was stopped several times by people wanting to simply say hello, and others to complain jokingly about the lack of a certain dancer on stage.
Couldn’t be helped. Bodie was popular with the regulars. Even though her shyness and her antics of the last few weeks had kept her apart from the audience she danced for, club members had taken to her well. Tips were left behind the bar for her whenever she performed.
Now she was his—there were no ifs or buts about it, she was his—they were going to have to discuss her schedule for Friday and Saturday nights. He didn’t mind waiting for her to finish her sets before whisking her off to play, but he might look at ending her nights an hour early.
Any other night she was present at the club, she’d be fair game for him.
He made it to the booth, sliding in and settling her into him. He’d wrapped her into her new subbie blanket—he’d bought it just for her—and the damn thing was so big it covered her from head to toe. He hoped she felt safe in it at her most vulnerable; the faux fur was soft against his skin, but the plushy velvet side would offer warmth and comfort if she felt uneasy. Like being hugged by a big furry bear.
God, she’d taken the scene in her stride. He was so fucking proud with how she took what he gave her, even if it was tame by many Dominants' standards, and been with him every step of the journey. Sure, they’d had that small rebellion, but it was to be expected. He would have been concerned if she hadn’t tested his limits.
Now she knew how far she could push him, and what the consequences were if she went over that line.
He closed his eyes, bringing back the memory of tight, hot flesh giving way to his fingers. He’d almost taken her in that moment, said to hell with keeping things slow and easy. The taste of her, the squeeze of her pussy on his digits, had damn near been enough to shatter his control.
When he claimed her fully, he knew he’d need to keep his head screwed firmly on. Fucking her senseless was one thing; hurting her through carelessness completely another. Knowing she was on the small side only added to his duty of care.
The curse of a well-endowed man.
Beneath the blanket, her body came alive. Hands and feet moved restlessly, her head jerked up then settled back as though it was too heavy to hold up. Loose, limp female stiffened into a woman on guard.
“Shush, darlin', you’re okay. Take your time, gather your bearings.”
She stayed still. Too still for his liking. He wondered which side of her would surface first and how much of a fight he was about to have on his hands. He could deal with the bitch, coddle the submissive...he just hoped to hell she didn’t saddle him with the runner straight out of the gate.
“You did so well, Bodie. I am phenomenally proud of you.”
Her eyes popped open and pinned him with bright blue fire.