Page 38 of Dance for Me

Her face reflected her thoughts when he’d explained what he would like her to do. There were some choice curse words in her eyes she’d done well not to spit at him, but the nerves he’d seen her trying to bury had held her tongue completely silent.

“Want me to go chase her down before I open the doors?” Liam asked him from the corner of his mouth. “Go give her a nudge? When she’s fearless, she’s unstoppable, but once doubts get under her skin, she can procrastinate with the champs.”

Braun just shook his head. “Leave her be. The choice has to be hers, Liam. If she walks in here of her own volition, she’ll be all the stronger for it.”

“I know. But she—”

“William,” he said a tad sharper than he meant. “Boadicea is an adult. She doesn’t need two Doms nannying over her; she has to focus on me. She’s not just your friend anymore and while she’s here, she’s a submissive who’s come to learn and enjoy herself. You’re not going to mollycoddle and confuse her.”

Liam ran his hand over his hair. “Goddamn you, Fitz.”

Back to Fitz, Braun thought. “As a Dominant, you know better than to interfere with another Dom’s submissive, Liam. I taught you better than that. Don’t make me order her to ignore you when she’s in my care.”

“Fuck.” Liam shifted on the seat. “Okay, okay. I’ll get a handle on it.”

Braun inclined his head. “Thank you.” The air crackled at his back and, slowly, he turned to look at the walkway. Tension seeped from his shoulders when he spotted Bodie hiding by the door, and he clocked her time as having ten seconds to spare.

Cutting it close, yes, but there’d be no reason to punish her.

“Gentlemen,” he murmured, silencing the conversation around him, “I’d appreciate it if you all kept civil tongues in your heads. We have an easily startled filly in our midst.”

Liam rose. “Opening time awaits.”

The conversation restarted as Liam walked away, not quite as rowdy as before, and Braun tuned back in with one ear. He expected the Masters to behave themselves, at least until Bodie got used to them and their raunchy ways.

Movement to his right dragged his gaze in that direction. Bodie rounded the pit on bare feet, heading for the three short steps set into the edge nearest the stage. Head down, eyes averted, she watched where she placed her feet as though giant cracks might open up in the ground and swallow her whole.

Bare feet branched up into smoothly shaven calves, pretty knees, and onwards to shapely thighs. He’d agreed she could wear something to protect her modesty—for now—but he got the feeling she wasn’t thrilled with the rust-colored lace thong and matching half-cut bra he’d chosen for her.

Tough luck. The color gave her skin an even paler cast, which he hadn’t taken into account, but the cut of the lingerie definitely accentuated her slight curves. That particular issue would be dealt with over the coming weeks.

The lace covering her pussy provided little protection; the shadow of her trimmed pubic hair was visible, as was the outline of her labia.

A thin ribbon of lace hugged her hip bones, easily snapped by hand when he was ready.

From the flare of her hips came a narrow waist, cute indent for a navel, up to her ribcage and the swell of her breasts showcased in that damn bra. A lovely handful for his big hands. Again, the lace disguised nothing. Dusky pink areolas peeked temptingly through the material.

The girl had strong shoulders and a graceful neck, he noted. Both would look good with his hands on them, and he already had a training collar picked out for her. Tagged with his name so none of the club members could touch her...without permission.

Bodie stopped a few feet in front of him, hands locked together over her pussy, and trembled like a leaf in a stiff wind.

Without a sound, aware his friends were growing quiet, Braun twirled his finger in the air and waited for her to obey. Bless her heart, she did, turning slowly until her back was to him. The set of her shoulders and the harsh tensing of her muscles told him she was beyond uncomfortable.

Her ass, bisected perfectly by the thong, was priceless.

“Good girl, little one. Come to me now.”

She completed her turn elegantly and stepped carefully to his right-hand side. Hesitantly, she lowered herself to her knees beside his legs, spine ramrod straight, head down, with her ass perched on her heels.

“Remember how I asked your hands to be?” he murmured in gentle reminder, pleased when she reluctantly laid them palms-up on her thighs. “That’s it, clever girl. I’m very proud of you, Bodie.”

The only response she gave him was a shiver. They’d work on vocal acknowledgement when she wasn’t shit-scared and blinded by crazy thoughts.

“So,” Braun addressed the remaining Masters as though he didn’t have a near-naked woman kneeling by his feet, “are any of you playing tonight?”

“I’m scoping the field,” Atticus said with a shrug. “Matthew offered to cover the security desk for me tonight as he can’t do it on Wednesday. Gives me some free time I wasn’t expecting so I haven’t arranged anything.”

Jasper rubbed his chin. “Tiffany wants a scene later. Asked me to break out the martinets. That girl can take a goddamn lashing and beg for more when I’m done.” He grinned, winked at Braun. “Might want to steer clear of barn three at around eleven.”