Page 77 of Wood You Rather?

Shit. I was trying to let him down easily, but I couldn’t stop staring at his stupid hot body and face.

“Let’s chalk this up to a snowstorm fling and move on with our professional relationship.”

“What about our friendship? We are friends, aren’t we?” he asked, leaning closer.

“Yes. We are friends. Friends who disagree and fight constantly, but we’re in this together.”

He scrunched up his face. It was silly and charming andsonot what I needed at this moment. Where were his rude comments when I needed them? Where was the all-business grump who’d roll out of bed and never speak of this again? Dammit. Why was it that Paz steadfastly refused to ever meet my expectations?

“This was snowstorm boredom,” I said slowly, hoping he’d agree. “Never to be repeated.”

He jumped up, buck naked and putting that glorious ass on display, and strutted to the window. Pulling the curtain back, he pulled in a deep breath and surveyed the scenery for a moment before climbing back into the warmth of the bed.

“It’s still snowing,” he said with a wink. Awink. This fucker did not know how to stand down. Ninety percent of the time, he scowled at me. And now that I was naked and orgasm drunk and vulnerable, he turned on the charm?

“What are you implying?”

He fell back against his pillow, hands behind his head, making his arms bulge even more. “The snowstorm isn’t over, so we don’t have to leave this bedjustyet.”

I looked away, searching for the willpower I must have shed with my clothes last night. He was too seductive right now. The damage had already been done. What did a few more hours matter? I looked down at him, feeling the heat of his eyes on me. “Stop staring at me like that,” I snapped.

“Like what?” His smile was wide, and his eyes fuckingsparkledwith mischief. I had to be living in an alternate reality.

I sat up straighter, pulling the sheet up over my breasts. “Like you want to eat me for breakf—”

With a hand on either hip, he hauled me against him and pinned me to the mattress.

“I would eat you for every single meal,” he whispered as his lips ghosted over my earlobe. “In fact, I think I want some right now.”

He pulled the sheet back dramatically, exposing my body. His focus roamed hungrily all over me, making me squirm.

He grasped my thighs with his callused hands, spreading them forcefully, and pierced me with a predatory look. “What’s that? You don’t want my tongue?”

I bit my lip and stared down at him. At where his lips hovered inches from my clit.

“You are a bastard,” I spat.

“Nah,” he said, chuckling as he lowered his lips to me. “I’m your good boy.”



Ishould have known better. Should have hydrated and stretched. I was working harder and digging deeper than the run-of-the-mill cheating husband or embezzling employee investigation required.

And the living situation wasn’t making things easier. I had Mr. Sexy Cranky Lumbersuit all up in my business all the time, and I was walking on eggshells in his precious home, trying to remember not to leave dishes in the sink while also, you know, solving a murder.

Not to mention the big, sexy, orgasmic elephant in the room. We’d had sex. Many times over a thirty-six-hour period. In several locations all over this house, including the massive walk-in shower.

Now, though, we were back to business as usual. Bickering, attempting to stay out of one another’s way, and ignoring the awkwardness that came with seeing each other naked. Or attempting to, at least. To Paz’s credit, he was making it easy on me. He was back to acting like a surly jackass, effectively erasing the memory of the cuddly, seductive, hilarious body snatcher who’d inhabited his being during the blizzard.

I had been so distracted by the case, by the jaw-dropping, consciousness-altering sex, and the nonstop tension with my stupidly handsome roommate, that I hadn’t felt this coming on.

I should have known. I had been constipated and moody. I chalked it up to a combination of irritation with the aforementioned jackass and PMS, not realizing I was in the middle of my cycle, not the end.

By the time it dawned on me, it was too late. It started with a pounding behind my left eye. Then the squiggles appeared. The zigzag pattern I saw in the light. The aura. It was the death knell each and every time. A signal that things were about to get bad.

I stumbled up from my makeshift desk in one of the empty bedrooms, slamming my laptop and shoving it under one arm. Shit. I needed meds, water, and my bed. Because this was not going to be pleasant.