Page 62 of Wood You Rather?

They went inside, and the trailer was immediately lit up.

Beside me, Parker was totally focused, her massive camera lens aimed right at them.

Damn, she was beautiful. The way she bit her lip, the confidence with which she handled every situation. It was hard not to admire her. Maybe she drove me crazy with her chaotic personality and her aversion to bras, but she was damn good at what she did. She followed every lead and tugged on every thread, and she was slowly putting together a full spectrum of information. As frustrating as our lack of leads were, deep down, I knew something big was coming. As long as I could keep my dick in my pants so she could get her work done.

My thoughts were cut off by the deafening roar of motorcycles as three bikes pulled down the street. The two in front were massive Harleys, and the third was a smaller, sportier bike. They came to a stop where they were partially hidden from view by the SUVs. After a moment, the men headed for the trailer, coming into view again.

Next to me, the faint click of the camera shutter sounded over and over.

“They sure as shit aren’t walking dogs. Recognize anyone?” she asked, handing me binoculars.

It took me a second to focus them. “No. The faces are in shadow, and I don’t know many bikers.”

The man leading the way had a long gray beard and a beer belly, while the others looked younger. One had sunglasses on despite it being late at night.

“I’m getting out,” she murmured. “I’ll be quick, but keep an eye out. If you see anyone come out, whistle.”

“Wait.” I put a hand on her knee. “You said no getting out of the car.”

“I can’t see the license plates on the motorcycles from here.”

Before I could protest, she slipped out and closed the door softly. She stayed crouched as she moved silently around the hood, slowly heading toward the fence that separated the yard area from the road.

She wasn’t far, maybe one hundred feet from me, positioning her camera, when I heard a crunching noise.

My heart rate skyrocketed at the sound. Shit. These guys were probably dangerous, and there was no logical explanation for her to be creeping around with a camera. Fuck.

I was reaching for the door handle, ready to race to her and shield her from whomever was approaching, when I caught sight of a large bull moose ambling out of the woods.

She had chosen this spot because of its vantage point, but the thick pine forest also provided cover to make us less visible. What I hadn’t considered when we’d pulled up was the wildlife.

Still gripping the handle, I froze. He would probably walk right by, and with any luck, he would loop back into the woods. Plus, I knew better than to disturb a moose this large.

I lowered the window and let off a soft whistle, as not to draw the moose’s attention. Parker, on the other hand, turned around sharply and let out a scream. Shit. It was headed her way.

My mind spinning, I clambered over the center console and into the driver’s seat and flipped on the headlights, hoping the blast of light would be enough to scare it away.

That gave me a better view of the creature. And the long scar across its hip. Fucking Clive.

Beyond Clive, Parker was pressed against the chain-link fence, shaking.

“Don’t run,” I shouted, beeping the horn in hopes that the noise would scare him off since the lights hadn’t even fazed him.

Clive yanked his massive head up, condensation flying out of his nostrils. I probably knew less than I should about moose, having grown up in Northern Maine, but he looked mad. I couldn’t risk him hitting Parker.

Ramming him with the car would likely do more damage to it and me than it would to him. And running toward Parker, and subsequently, Clive, could put us both in danger.

“Hey,” I said, shouting out the window, “stay right there.”

I reversed, cutting the wheel hard and hitting the gas so I could whip around Clive and get to where Parker was crouching by the fence before he did. As I pulled up next to her, I hollered, “Jump in,” all the while hitting the horn, still trying to scare him away.

Parker dove into the back seat just as a door creaked open nearby.

The lights on the porch illuminated, and several men, one holding a handgun, filed out and scanned the area.

“Drive,” Parker shouted, sprawled out along the back seat. She yanked the door shut as I accelerated, dodging Clive by inches and speeding down the road.

I couldn’t hear anything over the pounding of my heart, but one peek in the rearview mirror revealed the big grin stretched across Parker’s face. The damn woman was laughing.