Page 19 of Savage Wild

“I stand corrected,” I said, rolling my face back to the table.

“Where are you guys?” Layla yelled from the front of the house.

“Back here!” Cassie called back.

“Oh, God,” I groaned.

Layla strolled into the kitchen, all short shorts, tank top, and platform heels, her hair in a messy bun. She checked out the state of our coffee situation and went to fix herself a cup.

“So, Cass told me you got laid,” Layla started.

I raised my head and glared at Cassie.

“It was the outfit,” Cassie argued. “I thought that meant you were gonna get some.”

“I did get some.”

“What?” Layla screeched. “Praise Jesus, hallelujah!” she shouted, hands in the air.

“We’re not praising Jesus, and there is no hallelujah,” I muttered.

Cassie’s eyes went worried, “What happened?”

“Car conversation?” I asked, invoking the childhood covenant I’d made with Cassie that anything asked or discussed in the car could never be used against you. Over the years it had become a joke, but since Layla was in on it with us,car conversationcarried more weight than a pinky promise in grade school.

“Sure, mamacita,” Cassie agreed.

“Totally,” Layla promised, bringing her coffee to sit across from me.

“Remember the Harley guy from ten years ago?”

“The one you sewed up?” Cassie asked. “Greatstory.”

“Yeah, him,” I answered.

“No way,” Layla interrupted with big eyes. “This man was gunshot guy?”

“One and the same,” I answered, toasting her with my cup.

“But, Mom, he was your inspiration,” Cassie said, her voice breathy. Talon had gained near mythological status in our household.

They both knew the whole story. Talon’s words about my clothes and my ex. Talon’s motivation to ditch a cheating husband and rediscover who I was and what I wanted.

“He was. But he’s not anymore,” I said.

“He was a dick?” Cassie whispered.

“Oh, was he,” I answered.

“How bad?” Layla asked, her voice gentle. She knew the torch I’d carried for this man.

“Worse than anything you can possibly imagine,” I said.

“I can imagine pretty bad,” Layla countered.

“How about getting fucked on the back of your Audi in a parking lot without him even asking for your number?”

“Oh, shit,” Cassie said, her eyes disbelieving.