Page 140 of Savage Wild

“Wanna sleep beside my woman, princess. Ain’t leaving. Locked that door. Bitch is staying locked.”

He watched as Jenna searched his face, then his eyes. He stood there in her foyer with all the patience of a statue and let her look her fill, until she reached whatever conclusion she needed to.

“You done?” he asked on a grin.

“Just making sure,” she answered.

“Wasted too much time already, woman. Not gonna be that fucking stupid again.”

Jenna waved a hand in the general direction of the stairs, “You understand what you’re getting into?”

“I stay here, I’m taking on a gorgeous woman and her equally knockout daughter. I’m gonna have to keep ammo stocked and sleep with one eye open, keep the cocky motherfuckers from sneaking in the windows. I’m down for that, princess. All of it. Never thought I had a shot at a family. Not besides my brothers. And now I’ve got one, and you’re not taking it away from me. Tasted this beauty. Not giving it up.”

Talon waited for whatever argument his girl would throw at him that he’d just go ahead and shoot down when a knock sounded at the door.

Jenna’s eyes went wide, “Talon?”

“I got it,” he said, turning for the door.

He opened it to find Lucky standing on the front steps, all ragged jeans, black tee, and Dragons’ cut.

“Came to check on Cassie. That okay?” the boy asked, eyes flicking from Talon to a spot behind him.

“No,” Talon said.

Just as Jenna crowded in the door with him, “Of course, come on in.”

Talon didn’t move, just glared down at the kid he’d known and always liked, until that kid showed up on the doorstep of his woman’s house, and he took in the scene through the eyes of a father, and he wasn’t sure he liked what he was seeing.

So Jenna grabbed his arm and pulled.

He still didn’t move.

Neither did Lucky.

“T Bird?” a voice called from the stairs.

And Talon turned his head to take in all that was Cassie standing at the bottom of the landing wearing a college tee, sleep shorts, no makeup, and a messy ponytail.

She was fresh and scrubbed clean from the horror she’d lived through the night before.

“Hey, Cass,” Lucky said, speaking over Talon like he wasn’t even there.

“Hey, Luck,” Cassie replied. “You gonna let him in, T Bird?” Cassie asked.

So Talon stepped out of the way, and his president’s son, a boy he’d helped raise for over two decades, Lucky Tremaine walked into the brownstone, eyes not registering one thing inside the house, except Cassie.

“Okay if he comes up, Mom?” Cassie asked.

And Talon watched Jenna’s eyes drink in her daughter, “For a while, yeah.”

Cassie’s smile was shy, but it was there, and Talon had to give it to the kid for putting it on her face after what she’d just lived through.

“Come on,” Cassie said, turning for the top of the stairs.

Lucky hit the landing and followed her up.

Talon watched them go. “You know what he’s got on his mind,” he said when they disappeared down the hall.