Page 130 of Savage Wild

“You sure you don’t want me to blow it up?” Deuce said, eyeing what was left of a fishing shack on the bank of the marsh. “Wouldn’t even have to use C-4.”

Talon scowled, thinking, where he lay on his belly in the woods. The shack was at the end of a dirt camp road in the middle of nowhere, surrounded on three sides by woods and on the fourth by water.

“Her kid’s in there,” Brick said, taking binos from Deuce and then checking out the set up for himself.

“Swear to you, the girl would be just fine,” Deuce argued.

Talon figured he probably did have a point. Deuce’s way would be faster, and surprise would definitely be on their side.

“Can’t risk it,” Talon said, shaking his head.

“Told you I had a plan,” Nine muttered.

“That does not involve blowing shit up,” Deuce argued.

When they’d finally rolled out of the compound, Jenna’d had a moment of clinging fear where she’d clutched him like she’d never let him go, but then she’d stepped back, and he’d watched her straighten her spine.

And just like that, the twisting anxiety that he’d been feeling about all the things that could go wrong was gone. Evaporated like it never had been.

His woman believed in him. Had faith that he’d do whatever needed doing to get her girl back.

And on the other side of getting that girl back was all the happy that Talon had never dreamed of having for himself.

So he made his decision.

“Gotta go Nine’s way. He goes in silent. If they make it out the front, it’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel. Be ready.”

Nine pulled two knives and took the first step toward the shack.

Gate shoved off the pine tree where he’d been propped and was right behind him, “Wait a minute, Nine.”

Nine turned around. “I know what I’m doing,” he said, nodding toward the knives.

“That’s the problem,” Gate growled. “You do that, and you know where you go back to.”

“You won’t let me blow it up, so if we’ve got a better option, now’s the time to hear it,” Deuce offered.

“I’ve got this,” Nine said and stole off into the night like a ghost.



Nine moved through the night, letting the call of blood settle into his bones.

He hadn’t felt in years, and as much as he hated to admit to himself, it felt like coming home.

He’d never even had pussy that felt this good.

He held his blades secure in his hands. Sure. Controlled.

And he moved like silk through the dark, flowing from one shadow to the next,Death Angelwhispering in his ear, luring him on, the sweet talk of such power hard to resist.

So for the first time, Nine didn’t. He didn’t fight it. He didn’t hold back.

He felt the fire course through his veins, and he let it. Urged it. Beckoned it closer.

Nine didn’t think of Jenna back at the compound or Cassie inside the shack. He didn’t think of his own past or his future.