Page 14 of Savage Wild

“’Bout damn time you got some. Maybe now you’ll quit being such a dick,” Gate called out.

Talon flipped him off over his shoulder and kept walking.



I stood in my closet, wrapped in a towel, and realized I hadnothingto wear. So I did what every self-respecting mom would do. I called my daughter.

“…Lo?” Cass mumbled, sleep edging her voice.

“Sorry, Cass, but I have a wardrobe emergency,” I said.

I swiped my phone to speaker and set the receiver on a shelf.

“Jeans, tee, and boots,” Cassie mumbled.

I hesitated. “Ummmm, it’s kind of a date.”

“What?” Cassie screeched, suddenly amped to the extreme.

Dropping the towel, I scanned a row of tees, all organized by color. “It’s a man I’ve known for a long time. Well,” I explained, “I met him a long time ago, and we just crossed paths again. I’m meeting him on River Street.”

“Oh, myGod,” Cassie breathed. “Is he hot?”

“Hot enough that I’m breaking my fast at eleven o’clock on a school night.”

“He rides a Harley, doesn’t he?” Cassie asked.

Oh, she knew me well.

“Maybe,” I hedged.

“That’s a yes. I’m sostoked!” Cassie was so loud, I knew her roommates were waking up to the news of my impending date as well. “Okay, you know my denim skirt?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“I left it in my room,” Cassie said. “Grab that from my closet, and then put on your red cami. The one with the sequins. And those sweet brown boots you got in Nashville.”

I pawed through shirts until I found the cami, and I grabbed the boots off the shelf. “Anything else?”

“Hanky Panky thong, and wear your hair down if you wanna get laid.”

I snagged a floral thong and stepped in. The cami had built in bra, so even though I was a little too well endowed, I decided to rock it.

I laughed, “Thanks, precious, but it’s a first date. Or whatever they call it now. Don’t think anyone’s getting laid.”

“Oh, Mom. I’m soproud,” Cassie said with youthful exuberance. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

I glanced at the time. “Heading to your closet now. Gotta go.”

“Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, baby girl.”

