Page 10 of Savage Wild

Talon wanted to snap at her for wasting time, but he tried for patience. “Who took the money?”

“Spider sent some guys,” Rosie sniffed.

“Spider’s guys did that to your face?”

Rosie nodded. “Said they weren’t done. They’re coming after you, T. That’s what they said. They’re taking the whores back.”

Talon’s shoulders went tight. “Go home Rosie, and lock the fucking doors. I gotta go.”

Rosie scurried back the way she came, and Talon turned toward his bike.

Hip hop music with thumping bass rattled the glass in an old box Chevy.

Talon glanced at the car. One of Spider’s and full of his thugs.

Talon threw a leg over his bike and roared into the night.



Gate sat across the table from his ex-wife, wondering what he’d done to piss God off enough that he’d landed in this particular level of hell.

Hell wasn’t staring at his ex-wife. She was still a looker after two kids and 15 years of being divorced from him.

Gate still remembered how amazing she was at sucking his cock, even though he’d been trying for every one of those 15 years to forget.

No, hell was watching her current husband fawn all over her at the same time he tried to stare a hole though the president of a motorcycle club. That shit wasn’t happening. He was in a suit, for God’s sake.

Gate wanted to laugh but didn’t want to piss his ex off any more than she already was. Calm, she was something. Pissed, she was magnificent. And his cock didnotneed the reminder.

“Anna,” Gate started, “Lucky’s fine….”

“His name is Steven,” she argued, heat rising into her cheeks.God.

“I hated that name when you gave it to him, and I hate it now,” he shot back.

Her new husband, Brent, glared.

A laugh escaped. Gate couldn’t help it. “Call off your shih tzu before I eat him.”

Anna rolled her eyes. “Jesus, Gate. Could you at least try to be civilized?”

“I’m sitting in your office, listening to you bitch about shit that’s not even a problem. The boy’s grown. He has a place to live, and he’s making bank.”

Anna was always smart, and she’d done a hell of a job for herself. Family counseling in a fancy building with heavy wood furniture and supple leather upholstery.

Gate couldn’t believe that his hell on wheels biker babe helped families talk through theirfeelings.

“He lives in amotorcycle clubhouse,” Anna screeched. For a family therapist, she could really lose her shit.

“I think what Anna is trying to say….” Brent started.

“Not here to listen to you,” Gate growled.

“Gate, just think of the opportunities he’s missing,” Anna steamrolled right through the conversation, just like she always did.

Gate stood up, chair rolling back until it crashed into the wall. “You know, this right here is exactly why you couldn’t cut being an old lady. Fuck knows, I tried to turn you into one. Most goddamn beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. All I wanted was you on the back of my bike until they put me in the ground.”