Page 92 of Savage Wild

I pushed up on one hand and clutched the sheet high on my chest. “What are you doing in my house? Why are you in mybedroom?”

Talon’s eyes went dark, but he kept them on my face. “Stayed the night to keep an eye on the place. Slept on the couch downstairs. Just came up this morning so you’d know I was here.”

“How’d you get in?” Since Edward had left, and Cassie and I were alone most of the time, I’d spent some bank on a bomb security system that I knew some average lowlife couldn’t hack.

Talon leveled me a look.

“Okay, that was a dumb question,” I admitted, huffing a breath to blow my bangs out of my face.

Talon’s mouth kicked up in a grin, and all that was him, from the sexy swagger to the lethal kisses to the quicksilver attitude, hit me in the heart and sank into my stomach, heavy and painful.

He was so devastating sprawled in my frilly chair in my girled out room that it hurt to look at him.

I drew in a ragged breath.

He sat up, elbows to knees, his focus lasered on me.

“I want you to leave, Talon,” I said, proud that my voice didn’t catch on the tears that clogged my throat. I’d worked so hard over the past months to be strong enough to ignore him, and I thought I’d succeeded.

Until now.

“Can’t do that,” He whispered back.

“Can’t or won’t?” I asked.

“Both,” he admitted.

“I don’t want you here,” I pressed, struggling to dismiss the way he filled out his dark jeans and black tee. He wasn’t wearing his cut, and I wondered absently if he’d left it downstairs.

“Made that clear last night, babe. But I am here, and I’m not leaving.”

My mind whirled with images of Talon lifting me onto the back of my car, Talon kissing me like a starving man while he fought his way inside me. But then my mind replayed the past couple of months on a highlight reel of a different woman hanging on Talon’s arm every time I’d gone by to the compound, and any trace of sweet that had lingered turned to sour.

Talon must’ve seen the bitter all over my face because he crossed to the bed and sat down, like he wanted to get close so that I couldn’t run.

His weight caused the mattress to dip enough that I had to fight the roll toward him, and as much as I’d once wanted to sink into him, I held myself back.

Talon’s eyes roamed my face, my hair, the sheet I still held in my hand. Then his eyes hit mine again, and his voice was like gravel, “So fucking beautiful. Can’t believe I almost missed it.”

His words pierced to my soul, and while my heart bled out in my chest, I said, “You did miss it. In a way no one could mistake, you missed it.”

A tear than had been threatening spilled, and Talon reached a finger for the path it coursed down my cheek. He caught it on a fingertip and then raised that finger to his mouth, tasting.

“I didn’t miss anything, princess.”

“Don’t ever call me that again,” I hissed. And I scrambled to the other side of the bed, throwing off the sheet as I went, not caring what he saw.

“Deserved that,” he muttered, eyes glued to my ass.

“I’m taking a shower,” I threw over my shoulder. “Be gone when I get out.”



What the fuck did she have on?

All Talon clocked was red strappy silk, matching thong, and the finest ass he’d ever seen.