Page 91 of Savage Wild

“And Edward?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“We’ll do what we can do,” Ryder said, pulling back to study my face. “I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m not sure how this is gonna go.”

I nodded, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I get it.”

Ryder tucked me under his arm and pulled me with him down the hallway toward the front door. “Brothers are hitting the pavement, and Rooster and Stash are working their magic. I wanted to make sure you touched base with Cassie, but I’m out with them as soon as I leave here.” Ryder stopped at the door and turned to face me again, “Saw Talon ride by earlier. Don’t like it, but the smart call is to let him stay. He’s good protection. Don’t be stubborn, yeah, sweet?”

“Yeah, Ryde,” I agreed, hating that he was right, but being stubborn right now was not my best move.

“Alright,” he kissed my forehead. “Lock up behind me.”

And then I was left with an empty house and a door locked against the world.



Talon watched from the seat of his Harley as Ryder jogged down Jenna’s front steps, and as much as he appreciated what his brother had done for his girl, he hated the sight of him walking out of her house like he belonged there.

Ryder clocked his presence and walked over. He crossed his arms over his chest, “You done being a dick?”

“Yeah,” Talon said, studying the townhouse, wondering how in the hell he’d almost let a

swank address and fat ride keep him from the woman of his dreams. “She’s mine. Has been for a long time.”

“You might want to try convincing her of that,” Ryder observed.

Talon flicked a glance toward his brother, “I didn’t recognize her. Fuck, but she’s changed.”

“No matter what goes down, it’s her choice,” Ryder said, his voice almost a growl.

Talon nodded, “I get that. But you gotta know, I’m gonna make this work.”

“I know you’ll try,” Ryder agreed. “Wouldn’t expect less. But you also gotta know, you hurt her like that again, brother or not, I will pick up the pieces.”

“I know you will. And I won’t blame you,” Talon said.

Ryder relaxed a step, “She’s talked to Cass, but she’s scared.” He nodded toward his bike, “I’m out with Nine. You’re up.”

“I’ll handle this with care,” Talon said, taking that in deep. “My word.”

Ryder looked like he had something else to say, but he locked that shit tight, took to his bike, and roared away.

Then Talon broke into Jenna’s house for the second time in his life.



The first few moments of waking up, I was blissfully unaware of two things.

One, the memories of the night before were still held at bay by the mist of sleep.

And two, that Talon was sitting in my armchair, watching me.

But the smell of coffee told me that something wasn’t right, so when I opened my eyes to six and a half feet of tattooed biker, I screamed.

“Calm down, babe,” Talon crooned, like he was talking to a frightened animal. “It’s just me.”