Page 89 of Savage Wild

Okay, she was going with pissed off. That was better than spooked.

“Gate sent me to keep an eye on you,” Talon said, keeping his eyes trained on her face, even though all he wanted to do was look her up and down.

Tiny beads of sweat gathered in the curls around her face, and he wondered how those little drops would taste on his tongue.

Jenna turned for the driver’s side door. “I don’t want you here. Tell Gate to send someone else. Or no one. As long as you have eyes on Cassie, I’ll be fine.”

Talon, of all people, knew what a lie that was. Spider wouldn’t care that she was a mother or a professor or a club member’s woman. He’d chew her up and spit her out, and even if he didn’t kill her, she’d never be the same.

Just as Talon eased his weight off his bike and stepped forward to open her door, the trainer yelled from the front door, “Doc, you alright?”

She shot him a smile and a wave, “Sure thing. See you tomorrow!”

On that, she slid into the driver’s seat and tried to yank the door from his hand. “We’re done,” she gritted out.

Talon held the door in a tight grip so it didn’t budge. Jenna looked up with narrowed eyes, but he leaned down close in her space and whispered, “No, we’re not.”

Then he closed the door for her and set his ass on his bike.

Talon couldn’t help but smirk at her sass. He had that and a lot more coming, and he was willing to take it as long as she needed to dish it out.

He hit the throttle and followed Jenna into traffic.

Talon knew where she lived and could even get there first if he had to, but the thought of her ex’s being snagged off the sidewalk spurred him to keep eyes on her.

She had no idea how valuable she was.

She could be the motivation Spider needed to keep her ex toeing the line.

And if Spider ever found out who she was to him, he’d have the means to make Talon do anything he wanted.

That truth settled in Talon’s gut. He knew he wasn’t in love with her. Not yet. But he was headed in that direction, and he had no intention of trying to slow down the ride.

He just had to make sure she got to the same destination he did, even if he got there first.

Ten minutes later, Talon pulled up to her drive, only to find Ryder already there, leaned against his bike, waiting.

And even though Talon wanted to follow Jenna inside, Ryder be damned, Gate’s words played through Talon’s mind.

So he tipped his chin at his brother, hit the gas, and kept riding.



Ryder propped against the kitchen counter and passed me his phone.

I clutched it to my ear, “Cassie?”

“You got Brick, but she’s here. Hang on.”

There were muffled voices and then,“Mom?” Cassie’s voice came on the line, tense and uncertain.

“Oh, thank God, baby, you’re okay,” I breathed.

“Ummm, Brick said he’s a friend of Ryde’s, and he’s cool and all, but what’s he doing here? He’s posted up outside my room, and the girls on the hall are freaking out.”

“Cass, listen to me,” I started. “The most important thing is that you’re fine, and the Dragons are going to make sure you stay that way.”