Page 87 of Savage Wild

“Think back to every time she’s seen you since she showed up here,” Gate warned.

“Your point?” Talon ground out, still scowling at the bar.

“My point is that you were an asshole the first day she was here, and you’ve thrown pussy in her face ever since.” Gate pointed to the bar, “That woman, who knows what’s what and has her shittogetherwanted you.”

“She doesn’t now.”

Gate stepped closer, “Make her remember why she wanted you in the first place. And you’re not going to do it growling at her and being a dick to Ryde.”

Talon watched where Ryder kept a protective arm across the back of her chair and sighed, “You’re right.”

Gate followed Talon and saw that Linda had reappeared and was pouring coffee from two different pots.

He took a mug with a mumbledthanksand doctored heavy on the cream and sugar.

Gate saw that Ryder had parked a bottle of whiskey in front of Jenna, and she was working her way through three fingers.

The brothers gathered, some nursing liquor, most sipping hot coffee.

Gate settled his eyes on Jenna. “You good?” At Jenna’s nod, he kept going. “Okay. Tell us what happened.”

Jenna wrapped both hands around her glass. “I was out with friends, and when I got home, I heard a voicemail from Edward, my ex. There was a lot of background noise, but what I could make out, he was taken from the hospital parking lot and shoved into a trunk. He said something about a spider tattoo and asked me to tell Cass that he loved her.”

Jenna sniffed and blinked hard, but she held it together.

“You got the phone with you?” Rooster asked.

Jenna reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled it out. “Here,” she said, passing the phone over.

Stash stood up, “We’ll replay the message and see if we can’t clean it up some.”

“Can you find him?” Jenna asked.

“We can find his cell phone if it’s still turned on,” Rooster said.

“Do it,” Gate said, and Rooster and Stash headed for the techno den that was their room.

“You said hospital, right?” Talon asked, edging closer, but not as close as he wanted to be.

Jenna frowned at Talon’s move, “Yeah, Edward’s a surgeon.”

“What kind?” Ryder asked.

Jenna turned her face his way, “Neurosurgeon. He’s actually kind of famous.”

Ryder looked at Gate, “Kid tonight got caught in the head.”

Gate folded his arms, “Edward give you anything else about this spider tattoo?”

Jenna shook her head, “No, that’s all I could understand.”

“You call the cops?” Gate asked.

“On the way over. But I can’t even file a report for forty-eight hours.” Jenna paused and then, “You don’t think they’ll go after my daughter, do you?”

Gate caught Talon’s flinch when Ryder stroked his hand down Jenna’s back.

“We’ve crossed paths with a dealer named Spider. That’s no secret. But tonight, things went bad. We lost Smoke,” Gate said.