Page 85 of Savage Wild

Relief washed through me, and I nodded. “Even,” I agreed.

Gate looked up and yelled at the prospects who’d followed me in, “Get the women out of the compound.Now.”

They scrambled to obey and closed the doors behind them.

Gate reached for the bullet on the table, but Talon got there first.

“It’s mine,” Talon growled, tagging the necklace and tucking it into the pocket of his jeans.

“What are you doing here?” Talon said, his eyes boring into mine.

I looked away, searching out anyone’s face but his. “They have my ex-husband, and he’s afraid they’re going after our daughter.”

“They?” Gate asked.

“Thugs, one with a spider tattoo, snatched him off the street,” I answered.

The room went tight at the mention of the tattoo, and I knew I’d been right. They knew who had Edward.

Gate eyed me a beat. Then, “Ryde, get her out of here.”

“Gate,” Ryder started to argue.

“To the common room. Give us a minute and get her a drink. She’s gotta calm down so she can tell us what we need to know,” Gate said.

Ryder took my hand and steered us for the doors, but I heard Talon behind me.

“He’s not taking her anywhere,” Talon started in.

“Lock your shit tight, brother,” Gate rumbled. “I need your head clear.”

Ryder closed the doors behind us, and the rest of the argument was lost.



“Somebody want to tell us why we owe a marker?” Brick asked, sprawling back in his chair and kicking his legs out in front of him.

“And why the fuck Spider took her ex?” Tank tagged on.

Deuce gestured toward the now closed doors, “Sweet and Talon havehistory.”

“Then why’s she been hanging around with Ryde?” Rooster asked.

“And why’s Talon been hanging with a different bitch every time she shows up?” Tex added.

Talon fell into an empty chair and turned to Deuce, “You knew didn’t you? That’s why you warned me about the women.”

Deuce nodded.

“And so did you,” Talon said, looking at Gate. “Why didn’t you tell me who she was?”

“She made me swear not to,” Gate started, and when Talon drew a breath, he held up a hand. “Before you get pissed about it, she came here desperate and embarrassed as fuck every time she looked at you, and I felt like the club owed her. I owed her. So I let her hang around and hoped you’d pull your head out of your ass.”

Talon spread his hands on the table. Then he stood up, grabbed his chair, and threw it against the wall. “Shit!”

Brick glanced toward Gate, “Owed her for what?”