Page 83 of Savage Wild

Tex sat forward, “We lost him before we hit the freeway. Fuckers were in the wind.”

“Lots of hiding places. And lots of people to help him hide. He leave Savannah?” Gate asked.

“Not as far as we can tell, but his people are holed up tight,” Rooster said.

“All we need is one,” Talon offered.

Brick nodded his agreement. “I can get anything you want out of one of those bastards.”

“Made a call to Axe,” Gate went on. “Doubt Spider’ll head that direction, but if he does, Maker will either catch him or herd him back this way. He’s our priority.”

“We find him, and we find out how Freemont got to the girls,” Deuce added.

“Talon, you got a word on that?” Gate asked.

Talon looked up and down the table as he spoke. “Out of the fourteen that were taken, two dead at the yard and six still missing, including Rosie. Others are home safe.”

Talon got chin lifts and mumbled agreement, so he went on. “Our patrols cover the girls at night. Working hours. Spider never got too creative in how he went after them, so after that first hit on Rosie, we never felt it. But Freemont got ballsy. His guys went after them at home, part-time jobs. Just lifted them. Coordinated hits. We didn’t know until it was too late.”

“We stand any chance of getting them back?” Ryder asked the table.

“If we get a lead on where he took them fast enough, maybe,” Stash answered. “But if Spider put them on the black market, they’re gone.”

“Comes down to this,” Talon said. “Freemont had no reason to look in our direction until Spider put him on us.”

“You wanna let this go?” Tank asked, still with the rosary beads in his hand.

“No way in hell,” Talon answered. “But I am saying that if we go after Freemont for his part in this, then we’ve got a war on our hands like none of us have ever seen.”

“So we need to decide how this is gonna go,” Gate put in.

“Spider first,” Brick said. “Get me him, and I’ll find out what’s what. Then we vote on Freemont.”

Gate nodded, “We’re a strong club, but we don’t have the numbers to go after a dealer from the city.”

Deuce propped forward on the table, “So let’s hit them here. On our turf. They show, we handle business. Soon, they’ll learn not to show.”

“Or they’ll come in even heavier,” Talon pointed out, scrubbing a hand across his goatee.

Deuce shrugged, “Still our turf. Our advantage.”

“For now, I like it,” Gate said. “We agreed?”

Nods and murmurs from around the table.

Gate paused, working into the moment he’d been dreading the most. “Second point of business,” he started. “Got an empty seat at this table. Won’t ever replace Smoke, but we need a brother to take this patch,” Gate said, sliding a new Lieutenant patch across the worn, wooden surface. “Floor’s open.”

“Ryde,” Brick said without any hesitation.

“Recommendation?” Gate asked.

Brick looked at Ryder and then turned to Gate, “Yeah. He’s solid, carries his weight and then some, and he doesn’t back down from shit.”

“Anybody else got a word?” Gate said, looking around the table.

