Page 79 of Savage Wild

Ryder waited through more mumbled conversation.

“Can you get a photo of the suit? You get a picture, Stash can I.D. him.”

“Yeah, let me get closer. Don’t know where the fuck Smoke went.”

“I’m gonna kill that asshole,” Gate muttered.

Ryder ended the call and then circled around the next row of containers so that he came up behind Spider and his crew and faced the suit and his men.

Ryder snapped a series of quick photos and thought they were shit, but maybe Stash could work some techno magic and make them useful.

He sent the stream of pictures to Stash.

Less than a minute later, Ryder’s phone buzzed in his hand.

“Yeah?” Ryder whispered into the phone.

“That’s Blaine Freemont,” Gate said. “No beef with him. Think you and Smoke can get a bead on Spider?”

“Can’t see Smoke from here, but once they leave, we can team up and follow him. See where he’s been hiding.”

“Brick’ll be there in five. He’ll cover pickup of the merch. You guys stay on Spider’s ass. Brothers’ll follow you.”

“Got it,” Ryder said and ended the call.

Ryder slipped both phones in his pocket, cooled his heels in the deepening shadows, and hoped like hell Smoke was doing the same.

Ryder was close enough that he could hear the rumble of men’s voices, but he couldn’t make out the words. Frustrated as hell, he was about to edge even closer when two panel vans pulled up behind the Hummer.

Freemont threw a gesture toward one of his men while he talked to Spider, and the man opened the side door of a van. Then he reached inside and pulled out a woman with streaming black hair.

“Fuck,”Ryder mumbled under his breath, pulling out his phone again.

He jogged to the back of the container and hoped he was far enough away that no one could hear the call.

He dialed.

Gate answered on two. “Yeah?”

Ryder spoke low and fast. “Vans just pulled up. They’ve got the girls. Don’t know how many, but Rosie’s one of them.”

“Shit,” Gate said, and Ryder heard him shouting orders for Talon to change direction and go check on the girls.

“How far out?” Ryder asked.

“Gonna be at least ten minutes. Brick’s closer.”

Ryder peeked around the corner and caught a glimpse of Spider laughing and shoving Rosie toward one of his men. The man caught her and yanked her hair back, exposing her face and neck.

“Shit’s about to go south, man,” Ryder said.

“How many girls?” Gate asked.

“Ten, maybe fifteen.”

“Shit,” Gate said.

Freemont’s front man tossed two sets of keys to Spider.