Page 73 of Savage Wild

Lizzy followed his gaze and sucked in a breath.

“Yeah, sure. Coming up,” she said, the nerves back in her voice.

Maker reached out and touched her hand, careful not to grab.

“He’s a friend. This is gonna go easy, no problems for you.”

Lizzy nodded, “Thanks.” And then went back behind the counter to pour another coffee.

Maker stood as Gate approached, and the two slapped each other on the back, then slid into their respective sides.

“Appreciate the meet,” Gate said.

“Our clubs go way back, brother,” Maker said. “You’d do the same.”

Lizzy interrupted with Gate’s coffee, setting the steaming mug in front of him with cream and sugar.

Gate nodded his thanks, and Lizzy hightailed it away, giving them plenty of room.

Maker watched the show, her body in that prim waitress uniform doing more for him than the porn he’d watched the night before.

“You tappin’ that?” Gate asked on a grin.

“Not yet, but wouldn’t turn it down,” Maker said, attention back on the man across from him.

“Whatcha know?” Gate asked, pouring liberal amounts of both sugar and cream into his coffee.

Maker spread an arm across the back of the booth. “Axe is hearing shit all the way from D.C. Spider’s name’s in all kinds of mouths. And he’s got some backing. Big time. Blaine Freemont out of ATL.”

“What the fuck does he want with our hookers?” Gate asked, taking a sip.

“Word is, Freemont didn’t. He was looking for an angle on the drug trade. The hookers were Spider’s price for the help.”

“Freemont’s going against the Mancinis?”

Maker shrugged. “Looks like. Spider’s trying to play it smart. Get what he wants without having to put his ass on the line. He thinks Freemont’s weight will keep the Dragons in line.”

“Fuck that,” Gate snarled, gripping his mug so tight that Maker was surprised it didn’t shatter in his hand. “Where do the Saints stand?”

“At your back, like always. Freemont’s not on our turf yet, but if he’s trying to bulldoze the Dragons, he will be. Axe knows that. But when shit hits S.C., the Dragons return the favor.”

“No doubt, brother,” Gate agreed. “You can take that back to Axe,” Gate said, rising and tossing a twenty on the table. “Sorry to cut this short, but sounds like I need to find Spider and have some words.”

“One more thing,” Maker said, stopping him. “Not sure one has to do with the other, but Moose ain’t where you think he is.”

Gate paused, “Last I heard he was riding out west with a babe on the back of his bike.”

Maker shook his head, “Not anymore. Heard from the Daggers in Tennessee that he rode through about a week ago.”

“Fuck me running,” Gate mumbled.

“Man hasn’t seen his club in twenty years and comes back? No good’s gonna come of that,” Maker said.

“No, it aint,” Gate agreed.

Gate turned, and by the time he hit the door, he had his sunglasses in place and his phone in his hand.

“Everything okay?” Lizzy asked.