Page 62 of Savage Wild

He pulled his phone from his pocket and laid it on the vanity beside her bag. He’d do the same.

Ryder took care of night time bathroom business, threw his clothes into the hamper in his closet, and pulled on some soft cotton shorts. He left off the shirt and turned off the bathroom light as he walked through.

Jenna sat up in his bed, legs crossed under the covers, back to the headboard.

He stopped and studied her. “You look good there,” he said.

She ducked her head, and when he walked to his side of the bed, he could see the faint blush stealing up her cheek.

“You gonna blush on me all night?” Ryder asked, sliding between the sheets.

Jenna looked up through her bangs, “Probably.”

“It’s cute,” he said, lying back against the pillows.

Jenna laughed, “I think I’m too old to be cute.”

“How old are you?” Ryder folded his arms behind his head.

“Forty-six. You?”

“Thirty-five,” he answered.

“Oh, God,” Jenna said, covering her face with her hands. Then she dropped them to her lap. “I’ve got you by more than a decade?”

Ryder laughed, “So?”

“I just mean…. I mean…. Wow.”

“What’d you think?”

“I mean, I knew you were younger, but, just, wow.”

Ryder rolled to his side and propped on his elbow. “Problem?”

“Not at all. Kind of impressed with myself right now,” Jenna smirked.

Ryder reached for her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. “Good. A number ain’t a reason to bail.”

Jenna sighed, and Ryder kept nibbling at her fingers. “Relax, sweet.”

Jenna studied his face in the dim light. “Why do you call me that?”

“Because you’ve got a sweetness about you I’ve never tasted before,” biting into the pad of one of her fingers.

He watched the pulse at Jenna’s neck flutter.

“You think I’m sweet?” Jenna whispered.

“Man like me’s had a lot of bitter. So when he gets sweet, he tastes it for what it is. And fights like hell not to let it go.”

“The things you say to me….” Jenna’s voice trailed off.

“Telling the truth,” Ryder said.

“You don’t play games, do you?” Jenna asked.

“Don’t understand people who play games. Don’t respect ‘em,” Ryder answered, studying her.