Page 58 of Savage Wild

And he stepped over Brick, passed out on the floor, alone. Deuce had to admit that the asshole scared a lot of men and pretty much all the women who crossed his path. So the passed out alone scene was nothing new for Brick.

Deuce heard the clack of pool balls and rounded the corner for the pool tables.

Talon shot a lone game, still dressed in his jeans, tee, and cut from the party.

Deuce pulled a cue from the bracket on the wall. “Solids or stripes?”

“Stripes,” Talon said, lining up his next shot.

“Where’s Blondie?” Deuce asked.

Talon sank his shot. “Who?” he asked, watching the balls settle on the table and studying the best angle.

“Bartender. The blond bitch,” Deuce answered.

Talon missed his shot, leaned his ass against a stool, and lifted a beer to his lips.

Deuce took a shot and sank a solid.

“Asleep, I think.”

“Where?” Deuce asked, taking another shot and sinking the ball.

“My room,” Talon said, his voice dead.

“You fuck her?” Deuce went on running the table.

“What’s with the interrogation?” Talon turned up his beer and drank again.

Deuce eyed Talon from where he lined up his next shot. “Answer the question.”

“Since when do you care where I dip my dick?” Talon asked, his mood going tense.

“I don’t care,” Deuce said, making yet another shot. “But I’m not the only one who watches what you do. And the message you’re sending, brother, is one you’re gonna regret.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Talon asked, eyes narrowed. “You got a thing for Roxie, all you gotta do is say.”

“I don’t give a fuck about Roxie,” Deuce said. “But there was a woman out there tonight, having the time of her life, dancing her ass off, so fucking gorgeous. And then she watchedRoxiefollow you inside, the look on her face, she was gutted. You want that beauty for yourself, you gotta get right the message you’re sending.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Talon argued, returning his cue to the rack on the wall. Once Deuce went on a run, nobody could beat him.

True to his nature, when Deuce had something to say, he didn’t pull any punches. “I know that women will forgive a lot of shit, but you keep throwing pussy in her face, she ain’t gonna forgive that.”

“I didn’t fuck Roxie. She followed me to my room and tried, but I wasn’t interested. She passed out, and I left her there.” Talon shrugged, “Jenna’s not here to see it, and I doubt it would matter if she was.”

Deuce stepped close. “That’s where you’re wrong, brother. Everything you do matters to that woman. She clocks every move you make. And women talk. Hell, so do men. She’s around this place for any length of time, she’s gonna hear about who you let in your bed, whether you fuck them or not.” Deuce shook his head, “Putting nails in your own coffin.”

Talon took a deep breath. “Ryde deserves a shot at happy.”

“Ryde deserves happiness that’s his alone and not something that should have been yours.” Deuce tossed his cue on the table. “Now, as much as I enjoy pulling a Dr. Phil, I need some sleep.”

Talon dropped himself into an old leather recliner. “She won’t trust me again. When I say I fucked up, I mean that in a serious way.”

Deuce turned for the hallway. “Well, figure it out, or another one of our brothers is gonna go the distance with your woman.”

Deuce started walking.Ask me, you dumb bastard.

Talon kicked back in the chair, his legs extended in front of him, crossed at the ankles, and stared into his bottle of beer like it held all the answers in the universe.