Page 57 of Savage Wild

“I didn’t exactly look like this when we met the first time,” Jenna said.

Deuce raised his brows in question.

“I was a little more society and a little less rock n roll,” Jenna supplied.

“You were rich, and he acted like an ass,” Ryder guessed.

“Something like that,” Jenna agreed.

“Women with money always make him twitch,” Deuce said.

“Doesn’t matter now,” Jenna said. “It’s over, and I’m done with it.”

Deuce nodded, “I get it.”

Ryder did too. He understood a hell of a lot more than he had at the start of the night. He was navigating a mine field with Jenna. Whatever went down between her and Talon a few weeks ago, she was still wounded, whether she’d admit it or not.

Which made his position a hell of a lot more dangerous. He wanted her, no doubt, but he had to decide if it was all or nothing. If Talon pulled his head out of his ass, and she went back there, would he be willing to take whatever she could give even if it wasn’t everything he wanted?

“I just need to know if you’re going to honor Gate’s agreement with me and not say anything to Talon.” Jenna said, backing off the bar.

Ryder put his hand to her back, just above her jeans.

“Why don’t you want him to know? Seems like you’d like the chance to fuck with him as hard as he’s fucked with you.” Deuce observed.

Jenna eyes narrowed, “Hell will freeze first.”

Ryder ducked his head and chucked. Damn, she was something. “Remind me never to piss you off,” he muttered.

Deuce held Jenna’s gaze. “I’ll keep Gate’s agreement unless Talon asks. I won’t lie to a brother.”

Jenna turned away from Deuce and studied what was left of the party. “By the time he thinks to ask the question, I’ll be gone.”

Jenna’s words hit Ryder in the gut.


He didn’t like the thought of her leaving, but he knew she had no reason to stay once she had her story. She’d go back to her office and her classes at the university.

And he’d go back to working construction all day with nothing to look forward to but doing more work renovating his house at night.

She was lightening in a bottle, and he realized that he’d do almost anything to catch that lightening, even if it was just once in his life.

Chapter Twelve

She Ain’t Gonna Forgive That


Deuce walked through the clubhouse, one final round before hitting his bed. Gate thought Deuce took protecting the compound and his brothers to the extreme, but Deuce didn’t see it that way.

Gate had never watched his mother bleed on the floor. He’d never seen his little sisters huddled together in the corner scared out of their minds that the fists that tagged their mother over and over would be turned on them.

And Gate hadn’t held a shotgun at the base of that abusive bastard’s skull and pulled the trigger.

So Deuce would take the heat from Gate about being paranoid or OCD or whatever else Gate wanted to call him. He’d keep his brothers and their women safe, and when he finally clocked out of life, he’d go to the other side knowing that he’d done his duty to his family. All of them.

Deuce rounded one of the sofas where Tank lay on his back with a cute red head sprawled over his chest, his hand resting on the ass of her denim skirt.