Page 52 of Savage Wild

“You dance?” Jenna asked.

“Not really. You?”

Jenna sipped her tequila and shrugged, “Some.”

Ryder nodded toward a group of brothers at the side of the lot, throwing knives at a target they had tacked to a small tree.

“That’s Deuce, Lucky, and Hatchet. Deuce is one of Gate’s lieutenants. Been around a long time. He’d be a good one to talk to.”

Jenna nodded, “Think he’d be receptive?”

Ryder laughed, “He’s kinda wild. Likes fire and explosives. Come on.”

Ryder took Jenna’s hand and led her through the tables.

A lanky red head took aim at the target, let the knife fly, and missed.

“Your name is Hatchet. Shouldn’t you be good at this shit?” the youngest in the group asked.

“I’m halfway drunk and wasting time with your ass until Hannah gets here,” the red head answered.

Ryder tipped his beer toward the red head. “Jenna, the one who can’t hit the broad side of a barn is Hatchet. The one giving him hell about it is Lucky.”

“Hey, guys,” Jenna said.

“So you’re the interview chick everyone’s been talking about,” the big man with LT on his cut said.

“And the mouth is Deuce,” Ryder introduced.

“Hi, Deuce,” Jenna greeted.

“You drinking tequila?” he asked.

“Yeah, Herradura.”

Deuce crossed his arms over his chest, “You go drink for drink with me, I’ll answer anything you want to know.”

Ryder watched Jenna’s eyes light up. “Really? When?”

Deuce shrugged, “Now’s as good a time as any.”

Jenna looked up at Ryder, “That okay with you?”

The question shot straight through Ryder’s chest, the best kind of burn. “Sure. It’s what you came for.”

“I gotta get a shot. Meet you at the bar,” Deuce said.

Jenna started to follow him and then turned back to Ryder. “Aren’t you coming?”

Ryder felt the burn in his chest again. It settled somewhere close to his gut, and he grinned. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Chapter Eleven

A Little More Society and a Little Less Rock n Roll


I looked at Deuce over the rim of my tequila shot. Still with the Herradura. The brothers didn’t play when it came to their liquor.