Page 50 of Savage Wild

He pulled off the shades and extended a hand, “Hey, Cassie.”

“Hey, Ryder,” Cassie said, shaking his hand, noticing it was strong and rough. Nothing like her father’s and everything like she wanted for her mom.

Cassie backed up, effectively moving Layla and Gabby. “Come in.”


Ryder stepped into the foyer, filling the entrance with his size.

“She’s not quite ready,” Cassie said. “You wanna sit down?”

“Sure,” Ryder said, following her to the den.

Cassie gestured to the women with her.

“This is Layla, mom’s college roommate, and this is Gabby, one of mom’s colleagues at the university. But that introduction doesn’t really do them justice.”

Ryder nodded at the women and grinned, “Girl posse, huh?”

Layla eyed him, “Exactly. We came to check you out.”

Cassie laughed, “Don’t let her fool you. They came to help pick the outfit.”

Ryder’s eyes lit with humor. “Straight shooter. You must be like your mom.”

Cassie shrugged, “More like her than dad, I think.”

“Thank God,” Layla muttered.

Steps sounded, and all eyes turned to the stairs.

Except Cassie’s.

She didn’t watch her mother walk down the stairs.

She watched Ryder watch her mother walk down the stairs.

And she liked what she saw.

He stood, all tight white tee, faded denim, MC cut, and crossed the room.

Jenna reached the bottom step, and Ryder got close, brushing a kiss across her cheek.

“I think I just felt that in my ovaries,” Layla whispered.

Yeah, Cassie liked what she saw.



Ryder rounded the corner of the compound with his arm slung around Jenna’s shoulders.

They hit a wall of music and laughter, and he felt her grip the back belt loop of his jeans.

He liked her hand there.

More than that, he liked showing up to a party with a stunner like Jenna under his arm.