Page 41 of Savage Wild

Ryder’s eyes skimmed me slow. “Not that you need it, but I can see a lot worth decorating.”

Brother’s gotgame.

“Thanks,” I said, grinning.

“You wanna hit breakfast?”

“Sounds good,” I agreed.

Ryder walked the stairs with me, his light touch at my back burning straight through my tee, heating my skin.

We turned at the landing, me looking up at his profile, wondering about his ethnicity. Had to be heavy with Native American to have those cheekbones when the morning quiet shattered.

“What thefuck?” Talon growled.

I sucked in a breath and stopped.

Which meant Ryder stopped too.

My eyes followed the sound, and I watched Talon enter the great room, a busty blond hanging off his arm. She grinned at me like the cat that got the cream.

“Brother,” Ryder said, his warning clear.

“Couldn’t get enough?” Talon’s eyes pinned me to the stairs.

“Oh, God,” I whispered.

Ryder turned toward me, hands to my hips, and backed me up a step, so that we were closer to eye level.

He got close. “I got you, yeah?” he asked.

My eyes shot to him. “Yeah,” I answered.

He smiled, and his face transcended from handsome to beautiful. “Then let’s get breakfast.”

Ryder started down the steps first, and I followed.

When he hit the main floor, Ryder tagged my hand and pulled me in front of him. He rested his hands on my shoulders, and I wasn’t sure if the gesture was proprietary or supportive. But it didn’t matter. I’d take it.

Tables were scattered through the main room, most of them taken up with bikers, jeans, tees, boots, and cuts appearing to be the dress code of the day.

A few women took up chairs here and there, and a couple worked the kitchen while an older woman served.

“Listen up,” Ryder announced. “This is Dr. Jenna Albright. Gate invited her to hang out, so be nice to her. And while she’s here, she’s with me. So if you have a problem with her, I’ll be the one handling it.”

Talon scowled, untangled from the blonde, and headed for the stairs.

The blonde huffed a breath and made for the front door.

“Don’t worry about her,” Ryder whispered in my ear. I shivered.

He chuckled.

I shivered again.

Ryder went on, still with the whisper. “She’s not here all the time, but she’s around. Likes bikers. Doesn’t really care which one she beds, but when she gets a shot at an officer, she tries to ride the wave as long as she can.”

“Is that what Talon is?” I whispered back.