Page 39 of Savage Wild

Before Jenna could respond, Ryder was back in Gate’s office, closing the door behind him.

Ryder crossed to the desk. “Gate, you know I don’t ask questions, but I’m not sure how this is gonna go. Brothers are gonna be pissed. Shouldn’t this have gone to the table for a vote?”

Gate leaned forward, “That’s why I asked you to handle it. Sensitive shit. The club owes her, and I’m paying the debt.”

“Owes her how?”

“She saved a brother’s life once. Long time ago.”

“Her?” Ryder pointed to the door, picturing all that hair and big green eyes.

“Yeah,” Gate said, “her.”

“Who?” Ryder asked.

Gate leveled him with a look. “Keep her away from Talon. That’s part of the sensitive shit.”

Ryder scrubbed a hand down his face. “Fuck me. Sweet and Talon?”

“Sweet?” Gate repeated.

“If a man has sweet like that in his bed, he doesnotlet it go. And if he’s that fucking stupid that hedoeslet it go, it does not show up at his club asking questions.”

“Not saying she was in his bed. Don’t know their story. But I do know that she was willing, and he turned her down in such a way not to be mistaken.”

“So why’s she here? She looking for payback?”

“Because she wants to keep her job. She needs a club, and we’re gonna give her one. Keep her away from Talon, things’ll go smooth, and she’ll be on her way.”

Ryder crossed his arms over his chest. “What if I don’t want her to go on her way?”

Gate shrugged. “Up to you, brother, to see what you can make stick.”

Ryder nodded toward the door. “You want in on that? I won’t go there.”

Gate grinned, and his face registered appreciation. “Temped,” he admitted. “But, no. Don’t need an old lady, and that woman has old lady written all over her.”

“Talon?” Ryder asked.

Gate frowned, “If Talon had a play, he shoulda made it by now.”

“Clear,” Ryder nodded and started for the door.

“One more thing,” Gate called out.

Ryder turned.

“Talon gets his head outta his ass and realizes what he fucked up, he’ll make a move.”

“Alright,” Ryde said.

“And I’m not sure how she’s gonna respond to that,” Gate went on. “Not telling you to back off, but I am telling you to be careful. Not of Talon, but of yourself.”

Ryder read Gate’s expression. “You hope he does.”

“I hope the son of a bitch finds some happy. And I think she would have given it to him. But if he’s too stubborn to take the chance, then I got another brother who needs some happy too.”

Ryder grinned, not knowing it was the most emotion Gate had ever seen on his face. “Didn’t realize you were such a girl, Gate.”