Page 29 of Savage Wild

“You’re not going alone,” Gate countered. “Anything else?”

Deuce, leaned his tall frame back in his chair and crossed thick arms over his chest. “Go in soft. Send a tracker. Find Spider without him knowing we’re looking. Then figure out where the real power is.”

“Better,” Gate said. “Who?”

Smoke, a brother with a barrel chest and a big laugh, spoke, “Gotta be Nine.”

Talon leaned forward, “You think he can handle it?”

“Know he can get it done,” Smoke said. “Fallout might be a bitch.”

Nine had been around since his honorable discharge from the Marines four years ago. He’d spent eight years in the military, and his skill set had insured that each one of those years was hard.

He was twitchy with PTSD, but he coped with martial arts, meditation, and a singular outlet for control that he kept very private.

Gate knew, simply because Nine was man enough to tell him the truth during his prospect phase. Gate had never breathed a word, and Nine had never brought it up again.

Nine never touched drugs or alcohol. He found the medication he needed in other, more intimate, ways.

Gate nodded, “I’ll talk to him.”

“He’ll need backup,” Brick suggested.

“I’ll go,” Talon said.

“You’re VP,” Brick argued. “I’ll go.”

Gate gave Brick a chin lift. “Follow him.”

Brick smirked, “He’ll know I’m there.”

“He’ll know he’s got a brother at his back,” Gate said.

The meeting broke up with fist bumps and chin lifts.

Smoke went home to his old lady and kids, Brick went to his room to pack, Deuce went to do Deuce things, which probably involved liquor and pussy, and Talon hung back with Gate.

Gate leaned his chair back and shot Talon a look. “Never told me about that bitch you tagged the other night. Gonna bring her around?”

Talon rose from his chair and then rested his ass against the edge of the table.

“Nah, not gonna see her again.”

“No good?”

Talon scrubbed a hand down his face. “Not that. Hottest piece I’ve had in a long time.”

Talon thought back to bite prints on his chest and nail marks down his back. Thick ass and tight wet.Fuck, she’d been amazing.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Got the feeling I’ve seen her before. Just can’t remember where.”

Gate laughed, “If we couldn’t fuck women we’d seen before, none of us would get laid.”

Talon shook his head. “More than that.”

“Spooked you?” Gate asked.