Page 28 of Savage Wild

However, since the moment I stood up to the president, he’d been trying to wrangle his way into pressuring me to rethink and regroup my course offerings.

Kevin shot me a pained glance. “We can only teach what we can publish.”

My jaw dropped. “What?”

“If you can’t get it published, Jen, they’re not gonna let you teach it.”

“That rat bastard,” Gabby hissed.

“He’d doing this to all of you because of me,” I whispered. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry.”

Kevin reached for my hand, “This isn’t on you.”

“Yes, it is,” I sighed, shaking my head. “I’ll ask him to back off. If I drop the pop culture aspect, maybe he’ll reconsider.”

Gabby narrowed her eyes, “Don’t youdare.”

“But, Gab, this affects everyone. In every department. They’ll hate me.”

Kevin leaned back in his seat. “I don’t think so. I think they’ll be glad you stood up to the prick. So they have to be a little more creative? That’s not a bad thing.”

I frowned. This was a nightmare.

Gabby gathered napkins and straws onto her tray. “Emergency meeting tonight. Margaritas. City Market.” She looked at me, “Call Layla.”

Then she looked at Kevin. “Don’t let her do anything stupid until tomorrow.” With that, Gabby marched her tray to the recycle window and stormed out of the cafeteria.

Kevin propped his forearms on the table. “So, don’t do anything stupid until tomorrow.”

I dropped my head back and stared at the ceiling, looking for answers but finding none. “I’ll try.”



The table in Iron Dragons chapel, orchurchas some clubs called it, was nearly empty.

Gate sat at the head, the gavel resting in front of him, with his VP Talon, his two lieutenants Deuce and Smoke, and his Sergeant at Arms Brick flanking him down either side.

“We got enough to know Spider’s not pushing this agenda on his own, but not enough to know who’s pulling his strings,” Brick said.

“Knew Spider had backing from somewhere. He’s not smart enough to run his operation without it,” Talon added.

Gate rubbed his brow, wishing for the thousandth time that Talon had taken the gavel instead of him. He’d been young and arrogant and thought he could power his way through leading the club like he did everything else.

Gate led with power and emotion. He had charisma and charm.

Talon was smart and cold. He was calculating, and woe be to anyone who made an enemy of that motherfucker.

Gate agreed, “True, but it’s never been our problem. Now, it is.”

“How you wanna play it?” Talon asked, deferring to Gate, as usual.

He’d started the habit to smooth the rough edges left by the takeover. Some of the brothers hadn’t taken kindly to Moose stepping down and the role Talon played in making that happen. So Talon always made sure that no one ever saw him reach for too much. Overstep too far.

“Suggestions?” Gate asked the table.

Brick shrugged, “I’ll get one of the street thugs to talk, find Spider, and kill him.”