Page 26 of Savage Wild

“I knew that if you weren’t directly involved, you’d know who was.” She sounded sad.

“Afraid this one’s on me,” he admitted.

There was a long pause. “Be careful, okay?”

And then she hung up.

Chapter Six

Now You’ve Got a Craving


As the Sergeant at Arms of the Iron Dragons, Brick dealt with some heavy shit. Was responsible for some heavy shit. And had carried out some even worse heavy shit.

He cut his eyes to Ryder who rode shotgun. Brother hadn’t moved in the past hour.

“You good?” Brick asked.

He’d known Ryder for years, but shit gets real when you’re sent to dispose of a body, and Ryder had never joined Brick for this particular task.

Ryder’s eyes stayed fixed on the darkness outside his window.

“Yeah,” he said.

Ryder was Native American, Cherokee, Brick thought, but wasn’t sure. The dude was massive and silent and still.

Brick didn’t like the thought that anyone could get the drop on him, but he knew out of all the Dragons, if anyone could, it was Ryder.

They drove the rest of the two hour trip out of Savannah and through Waycross in silence.

By the time they reached the Okefenokee Swamp, about as far south in Georgia as you could go without crossing into Florida, the dusky light of early morning was just breaking, and steam was rising from the water and drifting through the cypress trees.

The place looked haunted.

Brick got out of the truck and closed the door with a soft click. He walked to the edge of the swamp where marshy ground met water, his boots sinking into the muck.

Ryder joined him, not making a sound.

He pointed to a crushed patch of reeds that looked like they had been rubbed toward the water. “Gator slide,” he whispered. “Good spot.”

“That’s why I brought us here,” Brick said.

Ryder nodded but remained silent. Then he turned toward the truck.

Brick followed, and when he reached the back, he popped the tailgate.

Ryder flipped the tarp away from the naked body, revealing what was left of Spider’s thug who Brick had discovered during interrogation went by the name Petey.

By the time Brick got done with Petey, Petey had told Gate everything he knew, including the fact that Spider had muscle from outside and that’s why he moved on the hookers after doing nothing but bitching and moaning about it for the past ten years.

Petey didn’t know who the outside muscle was, so that was a dead end, but at least they got something.

Now, Petey was lying bloody, mangled, and very dead in the back of Brick’s pickup, torn flesh from brass knuckles gaping and knife wounds flayed open.

Brick reached for Petey’s ankle, but Ryder beat him to it.

“I got this.”