Page 21 of Savage Wild

“I’ve got backup,” Ryder said, never pausing in his workout.

“I got nothing to do. I’ll ride,” Nine added.

“I’m in,” Brick said.

Talon looked around at his brothers, some big, some quiet, some scary. Some mentally unhinged. But they had his back. And that felt damn good.



Ryder stepped under the hot spray of the shower in his room at the compound. He tilted his head back, and the water plastered his hair to his shoulders.

Nobody said much about his long hair anymore, but when he was a kid, he’d caught hell for it. Never cared though. A little ass whipping brought them around.

He poured shampoo into his hand and started scrubbing. The lather trailed down his chest, like the softest fingers, and before he realized, his cock was hard.

His big hand followed the bubbles. Pecs, abs, cock. He gripped hard and stroked, twisting at the head. Pleasure shot down into his balls and blasted up his spine.

He turned and leaned forward, under the shower, one arm propped on the tile wall while his other hand continued to stroke and twist.

He tried to remember that last woman he’d been with. Tried to picture her face, her tits. He came up with nothing, it had been so long.

So he made her up. In his fantasy, her hair was spread out on his pillow at the mansion. Her eyes lit up with desire. Her hands reached out and caressed. She pulled him closer. His cock sank into the wet heat of her. Her nails scored his back. His balls slapped against her ass.

Then she looked up and whispered, “Ryde.”

The feeling started at the base of his spine. He tried to hold out, to make it last. But he jerked harder and faster, his cock slick with water and shampoo.

The orgasm wrapped around his balls, and he gritted his teeth to keep from yelling. Ropes of come jetted against the shower wall, and he groaned through the power of it.

When he caught his breath, he finished cleaning up.

Out of the shower, he towel dried his hair and tagged some clothes from the dresser.

Worn jeans, faded gray tee, black socks. Then boots.

He shrugged his cut over his shoulders and grabbed his phone from the nightstand beside his bed.

At first, he’d felt weird having a room at the club. He’d owned the mansion for years, longer than he’d been a member here.

He fixed up one room at the time. The place was so big, he wasn’t sure he’d ever get finished, but he liked the work. He liked to see what his hands accomplished.

He grew up working construction with his dad, so now, fixing up his own place was a point of pride.

His brothers didn’t know about the house. He was quiet and didn’t get asked a lot of questions. He figured as long as he pulled his weight, he could keep that piece to himself.

Sometimes he wondered how a woman would fit into all this, but then he thought that if the boys didn’t know he had a house that could be listed on the historical registry, then they probably wouldn’t know about her either. Unless she wanted them to.

Chapter Five

Cleanup on Aisle Seven


Ryder rode at Talon’s five, Brick further back at his six. Nine joined up with them at an intersection, the four bikers catching serious attention as they plowed through traffic.

The brothers headed toward The Woods on Hodgson, a rent controlled apartment complex where several Iron Dragons hookers lived. The apartments were three story, brick, with simple floor plans, but the grounds were neat, and the neighborhood was fairly safe. For women, some of them single moms, who got paid in cash with no benefits or 401k, the place was about the best they could hope for.