Page 2 of Savage Wild

Talon had volunteered, but if Talon went, Gate went, and every brother at the table knew it.

Meeting over, some brothers milled around, but most of them left the chapel and headed into the commons, a wide room with a couple of pool tables, a big screen TV, and a wooden bar. A few tables were scattered around, and an old couch faced the television.

Talon headed for the bar, desperate for a drink, but Gate caught up herded him toward the front door. He was the only man in the club big enough to do it. And since Talon topped out at six and a half feet in motorcycle boots, that was saying something.

As soon as they hit the fresh air, Gate turned, “What the fuck was that?”

“Only way for it to go smooth was for me to volunteer to do it.”

Gate dragged a hand through his overlong hair. “Are you trying to get killed?”

Talon made for the side of the compound, where an old picnic table rotted, and looked around to make sure we were alone.

“I’m not trying to get killed, dumbass. I’m trying to set you up as pres.”

“What the fuck for?” Gate asked.

“Because you’d be a far sight better at it than that motherfucker in there. He’s blinded by money and pussy, and it’s making him stupid.”

Gate grabbed his shoulder and shook hard. “Watch your fucking mouth. Don’t let anyone hear you say that. He’s your president.”

“And you’re my brother.” Talon pulled Gate close and whispered. “You know I mean that. You know how deep that shit goes. I pull this off, we have stronger leverage and a better position.”

“We? I didn’t sign up for this shit.”

Talon gestured at the run down compound. The place was old and looked like shit. “They’re not happy. They’re doubting him, and they’re scared. They can go nomad, or they can vote in a leader they can follow. And if they don’t have the balls to do that, there’s gonna be a bloodbath.”

“Fuck me. You’re serious.”

“I just volunteered to pull all the whores from our biggest competition. Yeah, I’m serious.”

Gate smirked. “If anybody can pull that much pussy, it’s you.”

“That’s Moose’s problem,” Talon jerked his head toward the sagging building, impatient to be done. “He thinks of it as pussy. Can’t do that. Gotta think of it as business. That’s what’s gonna pull them. Business and protection.”

Gate crossed his arms over his chest and considered. “We can give them that.”

“Better than that rat bastard, Spider,” I agreed. “He’s too busy sampling the goods and beating the ones who don’t want what’s offered.”

“I can get behind you on this. But the brothers….” Gate drifted off.

Talon leaned his hip against the rotting wood. “I’ve been thinking. How do you feel about getting into acquisitions?”

Gate gave Talon a blank face.

“You know, black market shit. Paintings, jewels, maybe some sculptures.”

“You’ve got it all planned out, don’t you?” Gate asked.

Talon shrugged, “Been thinking is all.”

“Why me? You’re the brains. You should have the gavel.”

Talon shook my head. “Brothers’ll know this was me. Better I don’t try to lead. That shit won’t sit well. They’ll take it from you. Especially you get them out from under Moose. He’s poison, and they know it.”

Gate nodded. “I’ve got your back tonight. Anything goes down, you call me, and we ride. I’ll bring every bastard who wears a cut.”
