Page 138 of Savage Wild

I leaned in, “Theytookyou from me, Cass. So I don’t care what it is, whatever your dad did, whatever he’s involved in,tellme.”

I felt Talon press closer, probably because he knew I was getting ready to find Edward and kill him myself.

“Only way we can make sure it doesn’t happen again, Cass,” Talon added, the deep calm of his voice soothing over me.

And the new reality that I didn’t have to handle Edward, or anything else, on my own settled deep.

Brick stepped up, “Don’t know your dad, baby girl. But I can’t imagine any dad who’d want whatever bullshit he had in his own life to touch his kid.”

Gate drew a breath, and when he spoke, his voice rumbled, “I’ve got a girl. Not quite as old as you, but she’s close. And if anything I ever did blew back on her, and I couldn’t stop it, I’d hope she’d let someone step in to help her.”

Cassie considered that a beat, but Gate kept going. “If he needs to be helped, we help him,” Gate said. “And if he needs to be stopped, we stop him.”

Cassie nodded, and then she looked at me with the eyes of a young woman who’d just realized that a world existed beyond her own. “I don’t know what it is,” Cassie started, reaching into the front pocket of her jeans.

Then she slid a tiny glass vial across the table to Gate.

Brick crowded close and leaned over the table to see, “Where’d you find it?”

Cassie shrugged, “It fell out of dad’s bag and rolled across the floor. I grabbed it before they tied me up.”

Talon growled low beside me. I reached for his thigh, and when his hand covered mine, he held on. Tight.

“Did you tell him you found it?” I asked.

Cassie shook her head, “As soon as I got there, Dad told me to stay quiet, so I did.”

Gate picked the vial up and held it up to the light, “Smart.”

I squinted at the tiny bottle, “What is it?”

“Not sure,” Gate answered.

“Drug,” Talon said.

My eyes shifted his way, “What are you thinking?”

Talon reached out, and Gate passed the vial over. Talon did the same hold it to the light routine and then passed it to Brick. “We’ve been out of the game for a long time,” Talon started.

Brick studied the vial too and then offered, “But you still hear things.”

Talon nodded and leaned back in his chair. He moved his hand from mine and planted it on the back of my chair. “Heard about a new drug. Hasn’t hit the streets yet. Got a few buyers who got in touch, interested. Wanted to know if I had a connection.”

“Do you?” I asked, horrified at the life he’d dared to live, but somehow fascinated that he and his brothers had escaped and survived. And then so incredibly proud that they’d triumphed.

“Princess, I can get my hands on anything,” Talon answered, eyes serious.

“But how are you going to figure out what it is?” Cassie asked.

“Gotta get it analyzed,” Gate said.

“Smokey,” I answered.

“Who?” Talon frowned at me.

“The doctor who worked on Tex,” I said.

“Where’d she come from?” Talon asked, looking to Gate.