Page 135 of Savage Wild

She reached up and patted his cheek with a grin, “I’m fine. A little surprised, but fine. I knew they were there, just not that I’d cross paths with them.”

Maker frowned, “I told you I’d get you clear. Didn’t live up to my promise.”

Smokey shook her head, “I don’t think your promise would have much effect on Ryder one way or the other. Man’s a force of nature.”

“Not if he’s dead,” Maker pointed out.

Smokey stepped back and punched Maker in the shoulder. “Don’t youdare.”

Maker looked down at his little sister with a grin, “Made an impression, huh?”

Smokey rolled her eyes and flipped her hair, “I’m going to Nona’s. You coming?”

Maker threw one last look at the diner. The closed sign flashed in the window.

“Yeah, I’m coming.”

And he turned back to his bike and rode out after his sister.



The roar of a Harley outside snagged Lizzy’s attention, and she looked up from the sugar dish she filled, just like she did every morning, and caught her reflection in the two way mirror of the office window.

Dark hair, messy bun, wisps hanging, eyes the color of milk chocolate. A little mascara, a little lip gloss, and done.

Maker back, she was glad she’d gone to at least that much trouble and wished she’d gone to more.

It was early yet. So early that the cool gray that bled across the sky outlined the edges of the trees but hadn’t quite gathered the energy to dim the security lights in the parking lot.

But at the sound of that Harley, no matter the hour, Lizzyknew.

She knew Maker was back. Knew he’d come back to her. Knew he’d kept his word and done what he’d promised.

So she parked the sugar dish on the counter, ran for the front door, and pulled the blinds aside just in time to see Maker catch a double armful of blonde, hair flying, smile dazzling.

And Lizzy’s smile died while she watched while Maker grinned down, and the blonde punched him in the shoulder and they both laughed, at what, Lizzy couldn’t guess.

But she knew she’d never put that look on Maker’s face. And she knew the blonde did.

So she didn’t open the door.

She didn’t walk outside.

She didn’t follow Maker.

What she did was flip the lock of the front door and turn the sign back toClosed.

What she did after that was go back to pouring sugar in dishes that she couldn’t even see for the tears in her eyes.

And what she didn’t know was that the vision that would haunt her dreams in the months to come had just saved her life.



The front doors of the compound slammed back against the walls, and Cassie flew down the steps, hair flying behind her, and she didn’t stop until she planted herself in my arms.