Page 110 of Savage Wild

“Good,” Talon agreed.

“Where’s Ryde?” Deuce asked.

“Got a feeling. He’s checking into it,” Gate said and left it at that. He didn’t explain that he’d done his best to give his brother some room to breathe, and that if things turned out the way he thought, Ryder might have a lot more breathing room than this one night ride.

“Information first, decisions after,” Gate went on. He looked toward Rooster and Stash, “Whatcha got?”

With the access Rooster and Stash had to technology and the money they had to make pretty much anything they dreamed up a reality, the Iron Dragons’ meeting room was about as macked out as the NASA space station. Plasma screens, BOSE surround sound, Dolby projection, Mac computers. When they went, they went big, and they never half-assed anything.

So Rooster pulled up a live satellite feed of the shack at Shellman’s Bluff on the big screen while Stash started talking.

“First up, we’ve got nothing on Edward. Can’t find him online, can’t get a visual. So our best bet there is Nine if we decide to move in that direction.”

Rooster hit some keys on his Mac, and the big screen changed to black and white photos of the hookers that got snatched by Spider being shuttled from the panel van to a semi.

Talon leaned forward, “Holy fuck, he sold them?”

Rooster kept with the Mac, photos flipping onscreen as he did, “Seems like he’s getting them ready for delivery. And they weren’t the only women loaded up.”

Stash broke in, “Spider played this like he wanted the hookers back, but that’s not what’s really going down.”

“He just wanted an easy in on human trafficking, and he used our girls to get it,” Gate guessed.

“That’s what we’re thinking,” Rooster said.

“Any chance on getting them back?” Talon asked.

“If we can interrupt distribution, then, yeah,” Stash said.

“Is the traffic ring connected to Freemont?” Brick wondered.

“Can’t tell yet,” Rooster answered. “He doesn’t have a rep for that, but if those bastards get greedy, all bets are off.”

“So Spider played both sides,” Deuce observed.

“Didn’t think he was that smart,” Tank threw in.

“He’s not,” Gate said, cutting his eyes to Talon.

Talon returned the look, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“What are we thinking?” Lucky asked from the end of the table.

Gate faced his son, “Before your time,” he looked around the table, “before a lot of you, had a president doing damage to the club.” Gate nodded toward Talon, “He got cut out before his greed destroyed us all, but seems he’s looking for some pay back.”

“So Spider’s not that smart, but Moose is,” Tex mused.

“Ruthless bastard,” Talon agreed.

“Time for some decisions,” Gate went on. “Gotta figure how to handle Edward without getting the man killed. Also, need a line on distribution of the women. We don’t know who the players are, so we don’t know what we’re getting into.”

Talon spoke, his voice a pissed off growl, “Nobody fucks with our girls and survives it.”

“Club property,” Tex agreed. “They pay.”

“Gotta send a message,” Brick chimed in. “Gotta be a big one.”

The vote went the way Gate expected, the brothers willing to throw down with anyone who went after the club. He knew they’d fight and die for what they believed in, but it was his job to make sure that they went in with every advantage possible.