Page 102 of Savage Wild

No wonder the women around the compound had bothered her.

She’d been played once and in a big way.

But the woman she was now, she wouldn’t put up with that shit. Or the appearance of it.

And Talon figured that the first step to getting back in with Jenna was making sure that she understood where he was at with her and that no other woman compared.

So as Talon followed Jenna to the faculty parking lot, keeping his distance so as not to upset whatever wave she and Ryder were surfing, he put together a plan to get back into Jenna’s heart. For good this time.

Chapter Nineteen

I’d Be a Fool if I Didn’t


Over the years he’d been president of the Dragons, Gate had seen some crazy shit. He’d seen gang wars over drug turf. He’d seen bar brawls that ended in trips to the E.R. if the bastards were lucky and trips to the morgue if they weren’t. He’d seen sons turn against fathers and brothers turn against brothers.

And he’d seen abductions.

But he’d never seen an abduction quite like this, and he was afraid that as soon as Freemont’s son was either out of the woods or dead, Spider would tie up the loose end that was the neurosurgeon from St. Joseph’s.

And that meant a hit for his club because it meant a hit for Jenna, and she was about as attached to a club as she could get without being an old lady.

So while Gate sat propped on a stool, a shot of liquor in a glass on the bar in front of him, and waited on her to show, his mind turned over possible fallout and damage control.

He heard the front doors open and then voices.

“Ryde, I’m sorry you rode all the way over. You could have called,” Jenna said.

“I needed to see, sweet,” Ryder’s deep voice rumbled.

“Listen, nothing is….” Jenna started, but Ryder cut her off.

“Told you I’m your friend. Meant that no matter what. Clear?” Ryder asked.

Gate heard a feminine sigh and then, “We’re clear.”

So it had happened.

Gate hadn’t been sure Talon had it in him to go there.

He’d never actually seen his V.P. love a woman. He’d seen him chase a few, mostly just seen him take what was offered.

But he’d never seen him have to work. And he’d sure as hell never seen him care.

Happiness for one brother battled with the hope that another brother had protected his own heart enough that it wasn’t ripped up by losing what he’d never really had in the first place.

Boots pounded across the entrance and down the steps to the main space of the great room, and then Gate saw them, Ryder’s eyes shuttered and blanked and Jenna’s wary and sharp.

“Ryder said you need me?” she asked, crossing to the stool nearest Gate.

“Sit down,” Gate said. “Ryde, you too.”

Jenna perched on the edge of the seat, a death grip on the bag in her lap.

Ryder propped and leaned his elbows on the bar.

More boots down the hallway, moving faster, and then Rooster and Stash joined, Rooster loaded down with a laptop and Stash carrying printouts and photos.