Page 79 of Until Forever

“Gonna come in your hand you keep that up,” Gate growled.

He settled between my thighs and braced himself on one forearm, the other hand sliding up into my hair, his lips dipping to mine again.

Gate’s kiss was all slow and sweet, lips brushing and melding with mine, moving against each other in the dance we’d learned so long ago.

Then Gate’s sweet bloomed into demanding, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, not just tasting, but devouring.

The scent of his favorite cigars clung to him, and the earthy aroma of tobacco mixed with the spice of something darker and more forbidden surrounded me.

I breathed in deep, transported back to a time when our love was simple and our relationship was easy.

And when Gate caught my sigh in his mouth, he grinned against my lips.

“There she is. There’s my girl.”

And then Gate’s fingers in my hair tightened, and he held me exactly where he wanted me while he proceeded to show me just how much he had missed me and for just how long.



Skimming his thumb across her nipple, Gate watched Anna’s back arch in response.

A fine sheen of sweat beaded along her hairline, and he knew she was getting close, but the one thing that mattered more to him than getting back inside her and staying there was that she love it as much as he did and keep coming back for more.

So even though it nearly killed him, he waited.

He listened to her breath, the little gasps and moans when he did things she particularly liked. And then he did them some more.

When she was writhing against him, he kissed and nipped a trail from her neck to her hip bone.

“Please, Gate,” she breathed.

And that was all the green light he needed.

He tucked his hands under her ass and lifted her toward his mouth, her thighs parting and welcoming him in.

She was wet enough that she glistened for him, and at his first lick, she dug her heels into his back, threw her head back, and moaned.

He felt the tremors of her orgasm against his mouth and was up and fighting his way inside her before they died away.

Gate hooked one arm under her knee and angled her hips just right, and when he surged home, he felt the bite of her nails as they sank into his shoulders.

And Gate didn’t give the first fuck if she marked him bloody.

Her pussy clenched his cock in that perfect way he loved, and as Gate looked down, he caught a glimpse of the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen, just before Anna’s eyes rolled and her back arched and she begged him for more.

Chapter Twenty-Two

So Just Strap In


“How close have you gotten?” Gate’s voice was a rumble that I could feel because my head currently rested on his chest while I trailed my fingers in whorls through the stubble of hair that prickled my cheek.

We’d moved our reunion from the couch to my bedroom some time ago, and Gate had waited for the afterglow to recede, more than once, before he started the questions.

I considered my answer before I spoke, relieved somehow that he hadn’t dived straight in to the personal. He’d started with business, and that was easy.