Page 150 of Until Forever

Maker grabbed her hand and led her through the house and into the garage. He mounted his Harley and helped her on behind him.

Then he pressed the button for the garage door, throttled through, and then closed the garage door behind them for what he was afraid was the last time.

Whatever Gate’s boys had found must have been bad, and coupled with the hit on either him or Lizzie, or hell, both of them, Maker hoped he was alive long enough to see Lizzie settled and happy in his house.

And in his bed.

If he had to burn his entire club down to do it.



Gate surveyed what Stash and Rooster had pulled off in the common room since they’d briefed him earlier in the morning.

The sun wasn’t even up yet, and all of the brothers were present and accounted for, plowing through food as fast as Linda could serve it, and Gate couldn’t count the pots of coffee they’d already consumed.

Maker was on his way with his girl, and since the meeting had so many invested parties, Gate had Stash and Rooster set up in the common room. For privacy’s sake, any of the groupies still floating around had been cleared out.

And since Gate wasn’t sure how Lizzie would respond to a full court press of MC brothers, he’d called Anna and then Anna had called Jenna, which brought them to now with the two women taking up a corner table, whispering, which made Gate wonder what the hell they were plotting.

Then the front door opened, and Gate found out the answer to the question.

Brent and Claire walked in together, Brent throwing Gate a wave and Claire sending a head nod, as they made their way toward Anna’s table.

Talon sidled up, “Gonna need a bigger building we keep taking on honorary members.”

“Honorary members, my ass,” Gate growled, eyeing the new arrivals.

Then the front doors opened again, and Maker stood on the threshold with Lizzie peeking out from behind him.

“Like I said,” Talon chuckled.

Gate shook his head, “Well, the lot to the north is for sale.”

“I’ll tell Brick to look into it,” Talon said.

All eyes swung to the front door, and the chatter of voices and clatter of dishes died away.

Gate walked up the steps and extended a hand. “You’re welcome here.”

Talon followed suit.

Maker shook with both men and studied the brothers scattered throughout the room. “What’s this?”

“A meeting,” Gate answered. “One that you and your girl need to hear.”

Maker nodded, “Gotta say I appreciate the hospitality.” Then he noticed the table in the corner and frowned.

“Long story,” Gate said, answering the unasked question. “Come on in and help yourselves to breakfast and coffee.”

And then Anna was there, taking Lizzie’s hand in her own and smiling at the younger woman, “You must be Lizzie. I’m Anna, Gate’s wife.” Anna looked up at Maker, still holding Lizzie’s hand. “You mind if I take her to meet some people? We’ll be just over there,” Anna said, gesturing to the corner table with her other hand.

Gate watched the way Maker watched Lizzie and noted that the big man didn’t speak until Lizzie gave him a nod that she was okay with the idea.

“Thank you,” he said to Anna.

“Who are they?” Maker asked, eyes to Gate.