Page 103 of Until Forever

“Any other options?”

“Sell it, maybe. I’m not sure yet.”

“It’ll come to you.”

Gate’s phone vibrated on the bedside table. He reached over and swiped across the screen, revealing a message from Stash and Rooster. A message he didn’t try to hide from Anna.

But she didn’t read over his shoulder.

Instead, she rose naked from the bed and crossed to the en suite.

Gate heard the lure of the shower, texted a reply, and tossed the phone to the bed before following Anna into the bathroom.

Hair piled on top of her head, Gate watched Anna step into the shower and reach for a pouf and body wash that smelled like coconut.

Steam rose around her body, making Anna look like some kind of otherworldly goddess.

Desire snaked through Gate’s veins, and blood pooled in his groin. Taking his hardening cock in hand, Gate continued to watch, the discipline of making himself wait to touch her sharpening his lust that much more.

Then Gate stepped into the shower behind her.

“I was wondering when you were going to join me,” Anna said, turning to face him.

He slid his arms around her soapy body. “Just enjoying the view.” Gate’s big hands slipped down to cup the peach of her ass. “I had Stash and Rooster check out Brent.”

Anna raised a brow.

Which was not the reaction he’d expected.

He’d expected pissed off. He’d expected accusations. Or at the very least an argument.

When she didn’t reply, he kept going. “You gonna ask me why?”

Anna passed him her sudsy pouf and gave him her back.

And he did what any hot-blooded male would do.

He dropped the pouf, filled his hands with body wash, and went to work skin to skin.


“I figure you’ve got good reasons.”

Anna had always been a handful. A woman who knew her own mind and wasn’t afraid

to let him, or anyone else know. But she’d also had a hell of a temper, one that matched her glorious mane of red hair. That version of Anna had mesmerized him.

But this version, this woman of tempered steel, who’d lived and learned and come out wiser on the other side, slayed him down to his soul.

He lowered his lips to her neck and spoke, “He’s near you. And I think we might be in a position to help each other, so if I’m bringing him into the fold, I’ve gotta be sure.”

Gate grazed his teeth over the sensitive spot at the curve of her neck.

Anna sucked in a breath, and Gate watched over her shoulder as her nipples pebbled under the spray of the water.

Gate slid a hand from her hip down the curve of her stomach to the warm folds of her center.

“I understand,” Anna gasped.