Page 99 of Until Forever

Gabby laughed, “No worries. I didn’t exactly expect this relationship to happen either.”

“But it makes you happy,” I said, reaching for her hand.

She took my hand and squeezed, “It really does.”

I nodded, “Then that’s what we’re here for.”

Layla threw an arm around Jenna’s shoulders and grinned at me, “Look at our girl. Getting it already.”

“Getting what?” I asked, letting go of Gabby’s hand to grip the back of a high back bar stool.

“Who we are for each other,” Jenna answered. “What we do.”

“Power in numbers,” I mused aloud.

The front door opened and then closed.

Gabby started the dishwasher, “And that’s our cue.”

“Yep,” Jenna agreed, grabbing her Neverfull.

Layla breezed by and brushed a kiss across my cheek, “Enjoy.”

“Enjoy what?” Gate asked, dropping his duffle on the kitchen floor.

Jenna patted his arm on her way past, “We’re leaving you averytipsy, slightly confused Anna.”

Gates focus lasered on me, and my mouth went dry.

“Thanks, girls,” Gate said.

I heard a chorus ofwelcomefrom the living room, and then the front door slammed shut.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, propping on the bar stool in front of me so that I’d look maybe a little more stable.

“Well, I intended to sleep. But I haven’t had DAP in a long time, so I’m evaluating the odds.”

“DAP?” I echoed, wondering if Gate was hungry.

“Yeah, drunk Anna pussy.”

My eyes went wide, “Are you serious? That’s a thing?”

Gate started around the kitchen island, talking as he moved.

“I love all kinds of Anna pussy. Sweet Anna pussy, sassy Anna pussy. But drunk Anna pussy is in a class by itself,” Gate said, stopping directly in front of me.

“Oh, my God,” I breathed.

“That’s what I say every time.”

“Gate,” I whispered, having no other word for him than his name, and praying to God that he understood the need in that one syllable because I wasn’t sure I could explain.

“I’m gonna take you to bed now. And then I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you because you seem to need it, and I know I do. And then I’m gonna wrap you up in my arms, and we’re gonna sleep. I’ve got a motherfucker of a day tomorrow, so I want all of you tonight.”

I took Gate’s hand and nodded.

And we started for the stairs together.