Page 158 of Until Forever

“Delivered, sir?” Donatello asked.

“Yes,” Nine answered. “You know the address.”

And they stepped out into the sunshine and headed for the Aston Martin.

“Your name is Montague?” Anna asked, looking up at Nine.

“Real name’s Graham Montague,” Nine corrected.

Anna laughed, “You sound rich.”

Nine settled her in the car, “I am.”

Chapter Forty

Show Time


“I thought you’d have more shit to set up,” Gate said, watching Stash and Rooster spread their tiny gadgets out across a white cloth on the dining room table of Anna’s house.

“Most of it’s in the van,” Stash replied.

“No point in packing it all up twice,” Rooster observed.

Then a chorus of feminine voices drew Gate’s attention to the stairs.

Layla, Margo, and Gabby descended with Jenna bringing up the rear, hand on the railing.

The doorbell rang, and Layla shimmied by him, drink held high, “I’ll get it!”

Margo and Gabby headed for the kitchen, but Jenna sidled up to him, her soft touch on his arm not doing one thing to calm is nerves. He felt like his skin was crawling.

“She’s almost ready. You okay?” Jenna asked, concern filling her green eyes.

“Doing fine,” Gate answered.

Jenna threw him a look.

“I’ll be okay,” Gate amended.

“You know Nine won’t let anything happen to her.” Gate’s expression must have spoken volumes because Jenna went on, “Or is that the problem?”

Gate towered over the pregnant woman so he leaned closer and spoke low, “I know this is important to her, and it’s important to the club. I even agree with it, but watching her put herself in danger, up close and personal, guts me.”

Jenna looked over to where Talon stood watching Stash and Rooster go through their check protocols. When she turned back to Gate, her voice was softer, “You’re a good man, Gate. And you know that you’re more important to her than this assignment.”

“Know it in my head, Sweet. But the rest of me does not like this shit.”

“She’ll be fine,” Jenna assured him.

“If something happens to her….” Gate’s voice trailed off.

“It won’t,” Jenna urged.

And then Layla returned from the front door with Chloe and Brent.

And the roar of Harleys announced Brick and Deuce.