Page 149 of Until Forever

You See What I See?


Not knowing who was behind the hit put out on him, Maker decided to slam the door between him and his club, at least for now.

Once Lizzie was safe, he’d come back and see what was what.

He stood in the middle of his back yard, and with that thought in mind, dialed a number he’d memorized years ago.

“Cleaning services,” the masculine voice on the other end of the line answered.

“Need a cleanup for three. Suburban area.”

“Maker? Is that you?”

Maker rolled his eyes. “You could keep my name out of it, asshole.”

“Don’t worry. Secure and encrypted,” the voice went on. “What the fuck, man? Where you been?”

“Just doing what I do,” Maker said. “This is a rush job, so if you don’t mind?”

“Got it, got it,” the voice agreed. “You said three? At your current location?”

“Yes,” Maker said.

“Will you be on site?”

“No. Exterior job.”

“Got it. Arrival in twenty. And you know the deal. Secure payment beforehand.”

“Same account?”


“Thanks,” Maker said and ended the call.

Then he headed inside the house, his long strides eating up the distance until he reached Lizzie’s side.

Maker hit the hidden panel and popped the secret door.

Lizzie looked up from the monitors.

Maker froze, uncertain what to expect next.

But Lizzie surprised him, as she always seemed to, and jumped up from her seat and rushed headlong into his arms.

She threw herself around him and held tight, and when he bent to her, she buried her face in his neck.

“That was so….” Her voice trailed off.

“Yeah, it was,” Maker said, not really sure what he was agreeing with but needing her to snap out and get with him. They’d have time later to tear her feelings apart and then put them back together. “We gotta move,” Maker went on.

Lizzie stepped back and nodded, “Okay.”

“Like now. Grab whatever you can’t live without, and we’re hauling ass.”

Lizzie flew through the bedroom, pulled on jeans and sneakers, snagged her makeup bag, cleared the bathroom counter into it, shoved that bag into a larger one that wasn’t completely unpacked yet, secured that one on her back, and faced him in the dark. “I’m ready.”