Sound pinged through the haze and noise of the club: whistles. Wolf whistles. Cat calls. Cheers. All radiating out from them. Fuck, she really was the center of attention now, and it was...incredible. It was the best, the fucking best. Waves of heat and cold rushed over her body, and she pulled the girl in for another hot kiss, sucking eagerly on her full lower lip.
“Whoa there. Take it easy, Di.” Brendan's soft chuckle brushed her ear. Ian was staring at her, his mouth half-open, his eyes sparking like he wanted to eat her alive. “Let's take this somewhere private.”
Firm hands wrapped around hers, but she was the one pulling them out of the club. Above her, the twins were conferring, their heads together, then talking with the girls.
“Told you she'd go for it,” a low voice said. Brendan, to Ian.
Then they were rushing down city streets, everything fast and blurry. She clung to the twins’ hands, trusting them to lead because she couldn’t see more than four feet in front of her, the girls laughing and jostling them. They were turning a corner, another corner, running up a flight of stairs and through the front door of an apartment.
Hardwood floors creaked. A beaded curtain rustled. The living room smelled liked incense. Oh my God, she was in some stranger’s apartment, clutching male hands, panting for breath. Her tight red dress stuck to her skin with sweat, just asking to be peeled off. She didn’t know these girls, she didn’t even know their names, but it was a little late to ask.And the girls were pulling her and the twins into a dark bedroom now, just big enough for a queen-size bed. Candles flared up, showing the tapestry above the headboard, and she tumbled onto the bed, warm bodies surrounding her.
Red curls tickled her cheeks. The girl she’d kissed at the club straddled her and twined her arms around Diana’s back.
“You’re hot,” she whispered.
“So are you,” Diana managed. Her breath catching, she put her hands on the girl’s bare shoulders, feeling muscles move under smooth skin. Her mouth opened to an eager tongue, warm and wet, sucking on her lower lip until her head spun. A firm hand rubbed her back, below the girl’s embrace.
“Yes, you are,” a low voice whispered in her ear. “You’re so hot, Di.”
Brendan. His sure touch sent waves of arousal through her body. As she pulled back to moan his name, another female mouth met hers in a softer kiss. Diana shuddered, her fingers tangling in long silky sweet-smelling hair. And yes — the first girl was rocking on her lap, pushing her firm curves against Diana’s, and starting a slow grind, as aggressive as the twins’ movements in the club.
Oh fuck— this was crazy. This was crazy, it was dirty, it was beyond her sluttiest fantasies. She wanted it all.
“Ian,” Diana panted into a soft mouth, her free hand clutching at empty air. Her nipples were so hard against the girl’s supple mounds. Her pussy pulsed with painful desire. “Brendan.”
A warm male palm, as sweaty as her own, grabbed her hand. Fingers laced tightly through hers. Diana jerked in surprise when her hand was molded over a hard denim-covered bulge. Ian. She moaned with need, squeezed his cock through the thick material.
“We’re right here, Di,” that soothing voice said in her ear from behind. Button by button, her dress was coming off. The slide of the red fabric over her sweaty curves, bunching around her waist, stoked her need and excitement. Her thighs clenched when Ian’s heavy cock twitched in her grasp. Her other hand explored the slender back arched over her, sliding over smooth flesh and thick curls. When the girl she was kissing sucked on her lower lip, nibbling it, Diana could only gasp.
Large palms slipped under her unbuttoned dress from behind and engulfed her breasts, fondling the generous lace-covered mounds. She could hear Brendan’s soft sounds of encouragement in her ear, murmuring reassurances, and Ian’s breathing getting faster as her fingers caressed his thick rod, moving to his balls to tickle them through his well-worn jeans.
Everything was a blur of soft skin and hard muscle, eager hands and hot mouths, flickering candlelight, but a low grunt pulled her attention to the half-naked male body stretched out next to her on the bed. Ian had stripped his shirt off. His muscles gleamed in the low light. His hips bucked toward her grip on his cock. Narrowed eyes watched every movement of his brother’s hands on Diana’s full swells, her own hands getting bolder on the tight body grinding against hers under a cascade of red curls, and the other girl half-climbing over Diana to keep the kiss going.
When their gaze met, Diana shuddered at the primal lust contorting Ian’s handsome face. Then her mouth opened and her head tipped back when the girl on her other side pulled Diana in for another hot and needy kiss. Her dark eyes smoked with heat, heat that made Diana moan because she recognized it. She knew how it felt to drown in desire, sob with pure need. She was doing it now, right into a soft mouth, as Brendan teased her firm swells, fingers slipping knowingly into her bra, and the girl on top of her pressed rounded tits into hers.
Suddenly, her grasp on Ian’s crotch was knocked free. One quick scrape announced his zipper coming down. Soft skin jostled her from the left, sending prickles over her own skin — the girl she’d been kissing, shimmying out of her short purple dress and tossing her satin bra aside. Tanned curves flashed across her vision.
Oh God. Her skin was flushed. Her whole body was hot and needy. Male hands eased her dress down her shoulders, unhooking her lacy black bra with firm assurance, and she gasped when her heavy breasts swung free. Of her own accord, her hands were fumbling with the redhead’s halter top, exposing creamy mounds topped with pink nipples, and Brendan’s warm mouth nuzzled her neck as he fondled her tight rosy buds, making her feel vulnerable and safe at the same time.
“Let go, Di,” he whispered. “Everything’s okay. This is going to be amazing.”
Amazing? Oh. Oh, hell yes, it was amazing. Her red dress was crumpled around her waist, her bra was gone, and four pairs of eager eyes roved over her full exposed breasts. Both girls reached out to cup a round globe, and she could only gasp at the soft unfamiliar hands exploring her needy swells.
“You have incredible tits,” the redhead whispered enviously, her low, throaty voice shockingly sexy. “Jesus, you’re stacked.”
“You’re telling me.” Diana couldn’t help laughing. Giggles were starting to bubble up. As female hands explored her breasts, she laughed harder. God, everything she’d hidden was being admired. Worshiped. Her legs kicked, her pussy was overflowing with cream, hidden in her panties, and all she wanted was to—
“Diana.” Ian’s voice was low in her ear. His hand gripped her hip. Her whole body clenched at his warm breath. Fuck, he was naked now, his bronzed muscles contracting in the low light, all raw power. “You sure about this? ‘Cause once we get started…”
She rolled her head to look right in his eyes. “Take my clothes off, Ian,” she said softly. “Now.”
Ian sucked in his breath. Then his gaze locked with the girl straddling Diana, her green eyes half-lidded. One jerk of his head towards the bed, and Jesus, the girl rolled right off Diana, a little smile on her her face.
Thumbs hooked inside the red dress, yanking the fabric over Diana’s rounded hips and sending it sailing across the darkened room. Fingers met soaked black silk, stroking her tingling cunt so teasingly through the sopping fabric that for a second, she couldn’t breathe. Then one finger hooked around her panties and held them away from her cunt, slippery with cream. Cool air met her lips.
Oh God, Brendan was running his hands over her breasts again, easily rolling her sensitive nipples between his fingers, and two pairs of female eyes stared greedily at Ian’s hand in her panties, exposing her burning pussy inch by inch. It was too much, she couldn’t take his slow tease, but one of her arms was wrapped around the warm back of the girl she’d been kissing, and when she arched toward Ian, her free hand reaching for her own tingling cunt, strong fingers pinned her palm firmly against the sheets.
“Brendan,” she moaned. “You jerk.” He just chuckled and gave her hand a squeeze.