Page 51 of The Boys Next Door

Just a few strokes and her clit was a hard pearl under her fingers. Her thighs trembled, her puckered nipples begged to be pinched, and as Ian took her over and over on the damp grass, Brendan would emerge from the O'Brians' house because he just knew something was going on, sleepy and sexy in his boxers, rubbing his hazel eyes. He’d murmur that he knew exactly what else she needed, feeding her his meaty erection. And Ian would pull out of her pussy as she moaned in protest, her mouth full of his brother, and firmly, patiently work his thick cock into her ass just like he had last night, sure fingers finding her clit as he sank between her quivering cheeks.

Her shrieks around Brendan’s cock would wake the whole neighborhood, and God, everyone would watch her get fucked by the twins and she wanted them to see…

As her juicy cunt clamped down on her fingers, an engine turned over outside. Moaning, Diana watched through half-closed eyes, her naked body quivering in a frantic orgasm, as Ian leaned back in the driver’s seat, his eyes closed. Then the Jeep disappeared down the block.


The peal of the doorbell brought her back to the steamy bathroom. Her parents’ enthusiastic voices carried up from downstairs, giving the twins a big welcome.

Picking her up had been Brendan’s bright idea. Diana didn’t understand why, exactly, she couldn’t walk through her front door under her own steam and meet the twins at their car, twenty yards away. But her phone had buzzed Friday afternoon, right in the middle of coffee with her friends. She’d been in a fog all day, walking around with a silly grin on her face and trying not to shift position too obviously on her still-tender ass.

Brendan’s deep voice on the phone as she stepped outside the coffeeshop, all concern, his soft, knowing questions about how she was feeling and if she’d slept okay, had just made her already-soaked panties even wetter. Diana found herself agreeing when he told her to be ready at 9:30 Saturday night and to dress sexy.

“What’s Ian up to?” she asked casually — she hoped.

“At the gym. He’s been there awhile. Why, you want him to call you later, Di?” The tease in Brendan’s voice surprised her. Ian was the tease, not Brendan.

“No,” she’d said quickly. “No. I’ll just see you guys tomorrow night.”

“Diana!” Her father’s voice boomed up the stairs. “The twins are here!”

Extra makeup? Check. Black pencil lined her wide blue eyes, blush highlighted her already flushed cheeks, and her dark lipstick made her look a good few years older. Hair ready? She tousled her black locks, still wet from the shower, her bangs swept to the side. As she hurried down to the living room, glasses on and purse swinging over her shoulder, two pairs of hazel eyes glanced towards the stairs, bringing the blood to her face

She’d decided on a dress that had hung in the back of her closet for a year. A dress she’d bought because she had to own it, but never expected to wear outside her own bedroom: bright red, sleeveless and tight, hugging every curve and amping up her figure way beyond pinup girl territory. The deep scoop neck showed a generous view of her creamy cleavage, the little belt cinched her slim waist, and the fabric clung to the swell of her ass and hips. She kept her jean jacket on and buttoned up, though the night was warm, so her parents wouldn’t guess the twins were taking her anywhere less than G-rated.

Brendan’s dimpled smile tightened her stomach. Ian just nodded to her, but his gaze burned right through her jacket to her full breasts straining against the denim.Why didn’t you call,she wanted to ask, but her cheeks were on fire now and she prayed her parents wouldn’t notice.

Fortunately, her mother was busy pressing lemonade on everyone and interrogating the twins about their social lives, their business school majors, their fraternity, their life ambitions, and their thoughts on the world at large. Her father wanted to discuss basketball in-depth, even though Diana had never seen him watch a game except at the O’Brians’.

Brendan answered their questions smoothly while Ian stood with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his lemonade, nodding at the right times. He and his brother had clearly agreed beforehand that Brendan would do all the talking.

“We’re just taking her out for ice cream,” Brendan was saying now, his voice reassuring. Diana had to tear her eyes away from his broad shoulders, filling out his blue striped button-down shirt, only to land on Ian in his black muscle tee, leaning against the mantel.“We know how hard Diana’s worked the past four years. She told us it means so much to her, the way you’ve supported her all this time.” Jesus. This was laying it on thick, even for Brendan.

“Well, she has a very bright future.” That from her father, while her mother was exclaiming, “Did you know Diana’s going off to Yale with almost a full semester of credits? And she was editor-in-chief of the literary magazine, and she won a national science award—“

“Mom, school’s out,” Diana interrupted. And while Brendan was agreeing that yes, Diana had lots of talents, she chanced a glanceat Ian, who just looked at her innocently.

“Lotsof talents,” he whispered. “I’ll give you something to put on your resume.”

Her snort of laughter was loud enough for the room to hear, and now both her parents were watching them.

“Brendan, you’re driving, right?” Her mother shot a concerned look in Ian’s direction. “Ian, your mother was telling me about your license being suspended—“

“Mom,”Diana gritted.

“That was back in high school, Mrs. Cooper.” Ian knocked back the rest of his lemonade. Diana tried to catch his eye, maybe share a smile, but he wasn’t looking at her now.

“Of course I’m driving.” Brendan held up the keys, jangling them to announce his squeaky-clean record. “Don’t worry.” He gave Diana’s mother a winning smile and shook her father’s hand. “We’ll have her back safe and sound.”

He shepherded Diana out the front door, Ian following, while her parents waved and her mom gave Diana a look she could only interpret as,Think about that Brendan, will you? He’s really a nice boy.

As soon as the front door closed, Brendan tossed the keys to his brother. Ian caught them one-handed.

“Get us there fast, bro,” Brendan said under his breath.

Before Diana knew it, she was riding shotgun, Brendan relaxed in the back, and Ian peeled away from the curb, tires squealing.

“Jesus, Ian,” Diana gasped. “My parents—“ She twisted over her shoulder, sure she’d see their horrified faces at the front window. The smell of burning rubber filled the air.