Page 48 of The Man of the Hour

Brendan said nothing.

“Are you happy?”

He pushed his beer away.

“Do you have everything you want?”

“Stop,” he said harshly.

She blinked.

“We have an agreement, Sonia. You said you’d do what I want for a week. And what I want is to change the subject.”

What he really wanted was to erase the last two minutes, take Sonia to her bedroom, and curl up together. Put his hands on her until they forgot all about families and pasts and games.

Sonia gave a quick nod. “Okay.” She didn’t seem offended.

Silence descended as they finished their drinks. Sonia stretched in her chair, smiling ruefully at him as she rolled her hips.

“You’re going to have a hard time walking tomorrow, aren’t you?” Brendan teased. “And you can probably forget about dancing.”

Sonia arched a dark brow. “Don’t flatter yourself,” she said with a low chuckle. “The company’s on a break. We’ll start rehearsals for the next season later in the summer…if there is a next season. I’ll be sitting in a chair tomorrow, working on grant proposals, praying that people want to give us their money.”

Brendan itched to brush her damp hair off her forehead. But away from sex, under the lights of the kitchen, his hand refused to move.

“Can I help? I’m good at convincing people to open their wallets.”

“Yeah, I bet you are.” Sonia played with the wrapper for her tea bag. “But I don’t want to owe you anything.”

“You won’t,” Brendan insisted. She shook her head.

The clock on the microwave said that it was half past midnight. Fatigue made Brendan’s eyelids droop. He wished he could fall asleep with Sonia’s cheek on his chest, but her body language told him not to insist on that. She was obviously ready for him to leave; her prickles were starting to come out.

He knew he could order her to let him sleep over, or come to his apartment. But if they spent a night together, it had to be because Sonia wanted it too.

Rising from his chair, Brendan wondered if she ever would.

He brushed his lips against the top of her head and went to put his suit back on. Sonia walked him to the front door. When he climbed into his car, he saw her standing in the open doorway, her body outlined by light.

She stood there for a full minute before shutting the door. Once it closed, Brendan pulled out his phone.

He wanted to talk to his brother.

He pictured calling Ian.Hey bro, you wouldn’t believe the crazy shit I just got up to. With Sonia! Would you have guessed?

Or maybe,I’m sorry. For always making you be the bad one.

I miss you.

We need to talk about Diana.

About the threesome.

I don’t think I can keep—

I don’t know who I am without you.

I wish I were in bed with Sonia right now.