Page 44 of The Man of the Hour

“I guess.” He stroked her hair, damp with sweat. Her eyes fluttered closed, and the sight of her dark lashes against her cheeks made his chest tighten. Tearing his gaze away, he looked around her room, stopping on a padlocked wooden chest. “What’s in the box?”

“You’re nosy.”

“I’mcurious,”he countered. “I want to understand how you tick.”

“I’m not a machine, Bren.”

The little nickname made him feel warm inside. “Hey, you’re the one who said I could have whatever I want. Tell me what’s in the box.”

Sonia sighed, looking a little annoyed at her own dealmaking. “All right.” Springing out of bed with a sudden burst of energy, she fussed with the padlock and threw open the hinged lid. “Try not to blush, Mr. President.”

Brendan sat up. He realized his mouth was open, and closed it. The box was loaded with the biggest collection of sex toys he’d seen outside of a store. Dildos in various colors and sizes, vibrators in different shapes, a freakin’ army of butt plugs. A harness. Multiple strap-ons. A variety of lubes. Braided whips. There was shit he didn’t even recognize, and he thought he knew his way around toys.

“Oh,” he said, brilliantly. “Ah. Uh-huh.”

Sonia grinned, cocking one hip. “Impressed?”

He did a slow blink. “You could say that. Can I take a look?”

“Be my guest.”

Rolling out of bed, he knelt to examine the colorful array of toys. Judging from the shape of the strap-ons, they were designed for backdoor activities. It seemed Sonia had a thing for pegging.

His stomach lurched, catching him off-guard, and a sweat broke out on his forehead. “Have you used all of these?”

“Most.” Her eyes glinted at him. “Some are investments for the future. Things I thought would be fun.”

“Can you explain these?” He waved at the harness and strap-ons.

“Well, I put it on, and the buckles go in back, and the guy usually lies down on the bed, and—”

“I get how it works,” he said quickly, wishing he could rewind by about thirty seconds. “But if you use it on one person” — something that he really didn’t want to think about right now, as possessiveness surged through him — “do you then, you know, go and use it on another? Seems a little unsanitary.”

Sonia burst out laughing. “Brendan, you’re less of a slut than I thought if you’re asking me how this works.”

He raised an eyebrow. “This is out of my experience, sunshine.”

She smiled, kneeling next to him. “Everything gets cleaned. But I haven’t used that one so much yet, in any case.”

“Yet,” he repeated.

“You seem unhappy.”

“I’m very happy,” he protested. “I’m thrilled. Good for you.”

Jealous was what he was. That uncomfortable, unfamiliar sensation. Sonia seemed to be an expert at provoking new feelings within him.

“Are you curious?” she asked softly.

He eyed the neatly organized toys, then got to his feet. “We’ll see.”

She nodded, her chest rising and falling under his gaze. “What do you feel like doing now?”

His mind flicked to a menu of options titledThe right thing to do. There were choices forpolite, calculated,andsexy.

But Sonia had asked for honesty. This whole arrangement hinged on that.

He gestured to the door. “I’d like to shower. Then I want to see your house with the lights on, since I’m so nosy.”