Page 126 of The Man of the Hour

Moving behind her, Sonia zipped up Diana’s form-fitting gown. Though she thought the fanfare around weddings was silly, she had to admit that Diana, kitted out in full bridal gear, took her breath away.

“You look stunning,” she said quietly.

The room where they stood was small, located off the main gallery in the loft where the wedding would begin soon. Earlier, the space had been filled with bridesmaids, flower girls, the mothers, and the hair and makeup artists. It had been a blur of curling irons and powder brushes and conversation.

Then everyone left to get dressed, and Diana had pulled Sonia aside, asking her to stay.

As Sonia straightened Di’s train, Diana peered at the full-length mirror, trying to swipe her bangs further to the side.

“You wore the red dress,” she said with a quick smile. “I can’t wait to see my mom’s face. You look gorgeous too.”

Sonia glanced down at the bright red fabric clinging to her figure, feeling the force of Brendan’s eyes in a hot rush.

“Don’t fuss with your hair,” she warned, catching Di by the wrist. “It’s perfect.”

“Since when do you throw around compliments?” Di shook the dark waves cascading past her shoulders. “Look, it’s sobouncy.And curly. I’m not used to having curls. I’m wearing enough makeup for five people.” She studied herself in the mirror, turning to one side, then the other. “Do you think this is too sexy? I’m showing a lot of boob.” Frowning, she grabbed her cleavage.

Sonia put her hands on Diana’s waist. Di looked startled at the contact, though happy. In spite of their history, Sonia’s moments of affections were rare.

“It’s a little late to care about that.”

“I guess so.” Diana’s laugh sounded breathless, even forced. Probably her tight bodice had something to do with it.

“Are you okay?”

Unexpectedly, Diana whirled, gown swishing, and took Sonia’s hands. “I’m nervous. I love Ian so much, and we’ve been together for five years, but I’m nervous as hell. This all seems like a show. What am I even doing in this gown? I feel like a kid playing dress-up.”

“Do you want to be with Ian?”

“God, yes.”

“For the long haul?”

“Yes.”Diana squeezed her hands, glancing desperately at the door. “Is it too late to elope?”

“Speaking as your friend who survived this entire wedding weekend for you, yes.”

“Why did we invite so many people? God, I can’t do this. I can’t go out there.” Diana’s bare shoulders hunched toward her ears. “Do you ever think you’re done with something you’ve struggled with, like being shy, and then it comes back to bite you in the ass?”

“You can do this,” Sonia said gently, giving Diana’s hands a squeeze. “You’re strong, and I believe in you. It might be scary when you first walk out there, but then you’ll see all the people who love you and are so excited for you and Ian to spend the rest of your lives together. And I know you, Diana. Once you’re in the spotlight, you love it. So get the fuck out there and have fun.”

“Holy shit.” Diana blinked at her. “That was a really good speech.”

Sonia acknowledged the praise with a shrug. “You can thank Brendan. It was a lot of him and a little of me.”

Diana laughed, but her shoulders tensed again. “Right. About Brendan…”

“We’re together,” Sonia said quickly. “I got scared last night, but we worked it out. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but — we really are a couple.”

“I’m so happy for you.” Diana’s eyes seemed to be wet. “I can’t think of anyone who’s a better fit. I’ve been wanting this for you both.” She took a deep breath. “Sonia, listen. Brendan— I—”

“You what?”

“I don’t know how to tell you this.” A knock came on the door, and Diana turned to glare at it, her veil swishing. “Just a minute! We’re almost ready.” Her blue eyes fixed on Sonia’s again, glowing from the pearly bridal makeup, pleading in a way that confused Sonia. “Or maybe Brendan’s already told you…”

Sonia shook her head, laughing. “Oh, that he kissed you, like, five years ago? It’s not a big deal. I told him what happened with you and me, and Ian, and he was fine with that too. Surprisingly possessive, though.”

It amazed her to even say it, that Brendan cared so much.