Page 125 of The Man of the Hour

What was he asking? How long would this last, being at his side? She could only focus on the present. On Brendan needing her.

“Right beside you,” she said softly, peeling off her dress and curling up under the covers. She tucked an arm around his waist, and he rested his hand on top of hers. He was sweating alcohol from every pore, but nothing in the world could have gotten her to move. “I promise.”



9:16 a.m.

She was still here.

Brendan rolled over in bed to face Sonia, but he already knew the truth. All night, her chest had warmed his back. Her knees had been tucked into the crook of his legs.

He wouldn’t find an empty bed, or a note on the pillow.

He’d find her.

Her eyes opened. “Morning, sleepyhead,” she murmured with a dreamy smile.

He pushed himself up on one elbow to kiss her forehead. When she wrinkled her nose, he grinned. “Do I need to shower?”

“‘Need’ doesn’t begin to describe it.”

“Better go then.” Brendan started to sit up, but Sonia pulled him down by the back of his neck.

“Don’t go anywhere yet.” She brushed her lips across his ear, then pressed her cheek against his. “Ask me to Diana and Ian’s wedding.”

“Ask you,” he repeated. “To be my plus-one.”


“My date.” He ran his hand through her hair, messing it up.

She took a quick breath. “Yes.”

“Sonia Jacobson, will you go to Ian and Diana’s wedding with me?”

“Yes.” The word rushed out of her. “Yes, I will.”

Brendan laced his fingers through hers, pressing her hand against the pillow. “That’s all I want,” he said, trying to keep his voice calm, though he knew he was grinning like a fool.

“Is it?” Sonia twisted in his arms to gaze at him. She was an open book to him now. Her eyes were bright, and her smile ignited her face. “You know, you told me to bring my entire sex toy collection, and we haven’t used any of them yet. I’m starting to think you’re not interested.”

“There’s time,” Brendan said quickly. “Unless you’re still insisting that tonight is the end?”

Sonia’s hand tightened on his. “No, Bren. I don’t want tonight to be the end for us.”



4:45 p.m.

Sonia watched Diana make a slow pivot in the dressing room.

Di’s veil floated around her bare shoulders, and her cream satin gown shimmered in the afternoon sunlight that streamed through the window.

“Zip me up?” She smiled at Sonia, gesturing at the open back of her gown. “There’s no way I can reach it with all this going on.” She patted the beaded bodice.