Page 122 of The Man of the Hour

Sonia shook her head at Ian. “We’ll walk. The hotel’s half a mile from here. The night air will do him good. You go back to your party. I’ve got this.”

She regretted that decision as soon as Ian hugged them both, ordered Sonia to text him with an update, and disappeared into the bar.

Brendan could walk, but he was leaning a lot of weight on her, one arm dangling around her shoulders, and their progress down the street was slow.

“Easy does it,” she said quietly. “We’ll get there when we get there.”

“Doesn’t matter, ’cause I’m with you, baby!” Brendan enthused. He’d clearly gotten a second wind.

“Is this the first time you’ve ever leaned on anyone?”

“First time I’ve ever leaned onyou.Because I love you, Sonia. I loooooove you.”

“Bren—” She squeezed her eyes shut, then jerked them open when he lost his balance, causing them both to stagger. She steered him away from the curb. “You’re drunk.”

“That's right. I can speak the whole fucking truth right now! ’Cause I'm drunk and I'm with you. You make me better, baby. We’re perfect together. I love you!”

Sonia felt like she couldn’t breathe. She forced her tone to be light. “Okay, buddy. Whatever you say. Just keep walking.”

“Believe me! I've been around, Sonia. Okay? I know what I want. It's you.”

“All right, sure. Can you please pick up your feet?”

“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah.” She tried to sound careless. “I hear a boy who’s inebriated and won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”

“I will remember. I fucking love you!” Brendan lurched toward a tree, and Sonia yanked him back.

“We’ve been fooling around for a week, and you’re making declarations of love. You expect me to believe you?”

“Fooling around,” he repeated. “So that's what we're doing?”


“Fooling around.” His voice rose, testing the sound of it. “She thinks we're fooling around!” he shouted at a startled passerby.

“Brendan, listen…”

“I’m an important person! I’m Senator Wilson’s press secretary! I’m gonna run for Congress. I’m a myth! I’m a legend. I’ve got goals and I’ve got fucking ambitions. I’m done fucking fooling around!”

“Be quiet,” Sonia gritted through her teeth. A crowd was starting to gather, staring at them. “Now.”

“What?” Brendan yelled. “Am Iembarrassingyou?”

Sonia gave her best version of a “nothing to see here” smile to the people pressing in.

“Do you need help?” a man asked, approaching. “He does work for Senator Wilson, doesn’t he? I’ve seen him on Twitter.”

“Thank you. We’re fine,” Sonia said firmly, dragging Brendan away from the gawkers with all her strength. Her arms ached with the effort of propelling him along. “Calm down,” she muttered once they were out of earshot.

“I’ve been calm my whole fucking life! I'm done being calm! I want you, Sonia. I'm gonna fight for you.” He pumped his fists in the air.

Sonia’s stomach was tying itself in knots. God, she wanted Brendan to mean it. She wanted him to be telling the truth.

“Jesus! Okay,” she said quickly. “We’re almost at the hotel, all right? Take it easy. One step at a time.”