Page 118 of The Man of the Hour

Dance was her life’s goal. Nothing could be allowed to get in its way. No feelings, no attachments, and definitely no men. Dance was her love, the one thing she could rely on.

Straightening her shoulders, Sonia moved in front of Marissa to tug her onto the dance floor. “Come on!”

Marissa grinned, and they fought through the crush of bodies until they reached Diana. Twining her arms around Diana from behind, Sonia began unapologetically grinding on her.

Diana whirled around, and her face lit up.

“You’re dancing!” she yelled over the music. “Yesssss. Who’s responsible?”

“I am,” Marissa said, wrapping her arms around them both. Sonia didn’t even mind the sweaty group hug.

Sandwiched between Marissa and Diana, the room spun around her, all bodies and lights flashing in the dark.

She’d always loved dance because it was so fucking physical. There was no thought here, only movement. The music pulsed through her body. She was in control, yet surrendering to the beat.

Sonia rocked her hips into Diana’s and ran her fingers through her damp hair. Fuck Brendan. Fuck relationships. Fuck pain and disappointment and expectations that were never met. She knew all too well about beautiful promises that failed to be kept. The boy was living in a fantasy world if he thought it would ever work between them. He was drunk on her pussy and that was it.

Who needed relationships when you had dance?

People would always fail. But dance — that never failed her.

Marissa’s mouth met Sonia’s ear. “Can you keep a secret?” she shouted over the music.

Sonia laughed, drunk on the atmosphere. “Depends on how good it is.”

Marissa tugged her off the dance floor and back to the velvet couch where she’d rescued Sonia earlier. “I need to tell someone, and I don’t think you’ll judge me.”

Giggling, Sonia dropped onto the couch and stretched her arms above her head. “What makes you think I won’t?”

“Just a feeling. So…” Marissa sat down, checking the vicinity with narrowed eyes. “I’ve been hooking up with Hunter.”

“Hunter?That blond halfwit with the hip flask who thinks he’s still the king of high school?”

Marissa looked mortified, though she was laughing. “No judging, remember?”


“Ian and Brendan were the real kings of high school. Hunter was a prince. Um…maybe a page.”

“So you’re hooking up with him because…”

“He has a nice body? He has a flask. Okay, he acts stupid in public, but he’s actually really sweet in private. Anyway, he just sent me a text—” Marissa pulled her phone from her back pocket and started giggling. “Oh myGod.”

Sonia leaned over to look — something she wouldn’t normally have done — and was greeted by an enormous dick pic filling the screen.

“Jesus!” She clapped her hand over her eyes. “I can never unsee that. It's seared onto my eyeballs.”

“It’s glorious!” Marissa was actually zooming in on the picture. “He’s standing tall and proud.”

A soft weight startled Sonia. It was Diana, flopping down across both their laps. Her bangs fell over one eye, and Sonia brushed them back.

“What are you looking at?” she asked.

“Nothing,” Marissa said innocently. Diana snatched Marissa’s phone away. “Diana!”

“Oooh,” she squealed. “Whose penis?”

Looking mortified, Marissa glanced at Sonia, who shrugged.