Page 116 of The Man of the Hour

“Holy shit.” The brunette stared at Ian, licking her lips.

“Remember when…?” the redhead began, with a knowing grin that turned to shock as she swiveled from Brendan to Ian. “Hold up. Oh fuck. It’syou.”She turned to the brunette. “It’s them.”

“The twins?Thetwins.”

“That night…”

“I’ll never forget it. Hottest night of my life.”

“You wanted us back, didn’t you?” The redhead took a step toward him. “You found us.”

“You guys are a myth,” the brunette purred. “You’re a legend. We haven’t stopped talking about you. And the girl you were sharing? She was unbelievable.” She peered around Brendan. “Wait, your brother’s the groom? Oh, this is gonna be good. Who’s the lucky bride?”

Brendan’s blood pressure was soaring through the roof, but he kept his stance calm and fixed a bland smile on his face. The low illumination of the purple-lit entryway made it hard to read the two women. Behind him, shouts rose from the far end of the long room. He needed to move these girls out of the party before anyone noticed them.

The redhead leaned in close to Brendan, sending up a whiff of citrusy perfume. “Want to ditch this party? Package deal — your brother has to come too. The bride can join in if she wants.”

He had to handle this carefully. Any hint that he wanted to hush up the situation, and these girls would smell blood in the water. One wrong move, and they’d be gleefully broadcasting to the entire bachelor party that they’d witnessed him and his brother sharing Diana. That the redhead had given him a very enjoyable blowjob while he’d eaten out the brunette. That these two beautiful girls had both had sex with the bride.

The brunette nudged the redhead. “Notice how he's neither confirming nor denying anything.”

“Well, I canconfirmthat he has a big dick and I sucked it. Oh, wait…hold on…maybe that was his brother.” They both went off into gales of laughter.

The brunette leaned in confidentially. “I bet your brother’s fiancée would be interested to know about our wild night together. And how the two of you look exactly alike inevery way.Unless she’s the girl who was there?”

When all of this was dealt with, Brendan was going to strangle Hunter. Slowly, with pleasure.

Emptying the cash from his wallet, he handed half to each of the girls. “Take it and go. My apologies for the inconvenience. I wish you all the best.”

“Wow, you’re a lot grumpier than last time,” the redhead complained. “Don’t you want to do something about it? You’re cuter when you smile.”

Brendan regarded them pleasantly. The truth was, if he weren’t angling for a future in Congress — scratch that, if he’d never been with Sonia — he would have been happy to have a meaningless fuck with these girls. Thrilled, even. He’d be like Hunter, only thinking of the present, convinced he was invincible. That he could do anything without repercussions.

“Have a safe drive home,” he told the girls, standing firmly between them and the party.

He felt like an asshole, but there were too many people he needed to protect. He had a sudden urge to call Sonia and confess the whole thing. She probablywouldcall him an asshole, but she’d at least see the funny side of it. She’d laugh. God, he’d pay anything to hear that laugh right now.

He wondered if he’d ever hear it again.

“Yeah, yeah, okay. Your drunk friend has our number.” Arm in arm, the two girls strolled out the door, whispering to each other.

Brendan made straight for the bar, where a tall glass of something reddish stood on the counter. He promptly grabbed it and took a swig. It was way too sweet, with too many clashing flavors, but he sucked it down.

“Hey, that’s my drink,” Hunter exclaimed, materializing from a game of darts in the corner.

“I’m saving you from yourself.” Brendan gave him a winning smile. “You owe me one. Actually, you owe me a hell of a lot.”

The drink disappeared in seconds. Why were drinks mostly ice these days? Brendan flagged down the bartender and ordered a round of shots for the entire group. If he was blowing his cash, he might as well do it in style.

“I don’t drink,” said one of Ian’s gym friends, looking affronted when the bartender came by with the tray of shots. “I brought my own carrot juice.”

Brendan picked up the gym friend’s shot along with his own, hoisting them aloft. “Great. Drink, don’t drink. Whatever you want. We’re all adults here.”

Once both shots were downed, he came to Ian’s side.

“Everything okay?” His brother regarded him with a heavy-lidded smile. “You were gone awhile.”

“Yup. Everything’s great.” Brendan slung an arm around Ian’s shoulders.