Page 115 of The Man of the Hour

Trust Hunter to fuck things up. If what he was saying was true, not only were strippers on their way, but they were already outside.

Hunter lurched into Brendan, who steadied him, propelling him away from Ian.

“I can’t turn them away, man, not now!” Hunter exclaimed. “I hired them and everything.”

“And you paid them?” Brendan demanded, shepherding Hunter into a corner in the front of the room.

“Well, actually…” Grinning broadly, Hunter slapped him on the back. “As the groom’s one and only twin brother, of course you want him to have a wild night. And, of course, you’ll fund said wildness out of the goodness of your heart. That’s why I gave them your name.” Hunter checked his phone. “They’re here! It’s gonna be awesome. Come on, just meet them. You won’t say no.” He grabbed Brendan’s shirt and tried to yank him toward the door.

Brendan glanced back at his brother. Ian, at least, was having a great time. The life of the party, telling stories and jokes. He never needed to know about this.

Sighing, Brendan let Hunter lead him out the door.

“There they are,” Hunter said loudly, pointing. Brendan slapped his hand down.

Two girls, a redhead and a brunette, were getting out of a car parked across the street. They both wore knee-length coats, with flashes of their sequined outfits underneath.

“Okay, Hunter,” Brendan said in his most authoritative voice. “Nip this in the bud. Tell them you made a mistake and their services aren’t needed.”

“But aren’t they hot?”

“They’re very pretty. Now go and tell them goodbye.”

The redhead brushed curls away from her face, and the brunette flipped straight, sleek hair over her shoulder. Both girls turned toward them, and Brendan saw their faces.

Yes, they were very pretty. Beautiful, even. And he felt a sinking sensation, a mix of lust and dread.


It couldn’t bethose girls.

“Get them out of here now,” he hissed to Hunter.

If the girls saw him alone, they might not remember him. Or the club. Or the earth-shaking, hours-long orgy. After all, it had been five years since that night. And everyone in that room had been high as a kite, Diana and Ian included. Everyone except for him.

But if the girls saw him and Ian together…they’d remember.

“What’s the problem?” Hunter asked.

The problem, Hunter, is that you happened to call up the only two people in the world who know my brother and I have both fucked his fiancée.

“Hi there!” the brunette called cheerily as the girls hurried across the street. “Which one of you is Brendan?”

“This bad boy right here,” Hunter said happily, messing up Brendan’s hair. Brendan’s hands itched with the urge to throttle Hunter.

“Listen,” he began. “There’s been a miscommunication—”

“Oooh, I love this place.” The redhead pointed to the arched entrance of the bar, her curls blowing in the wind. “My friend rented it out for a birthday party last year. We’re very comfortable with the space.” She gave Brendan a wink, and both girls pushed right past him through the door.

He hurried inside after them, blocking their way. Holding out his hands, he gave them his most charming smile. “Before you get too comfortable, you need to know that this was a mistake. I didn’t call you. I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here for nothing. I’ll be happy to compensate you for gas and driving time.”

The girls stared at each other, then at him.

“Gas and driving time?” demanded the brunette, unbuttoning her coat. Sequins glittered under the purple lights of the entryway. “Hell, no. We were expecting to make a lot more than that.”

“There was a misunderstanding,” Brendan said patiently. He was going to snap. “A friend of ours, the guy out there, who had a little too much to drink, called you up—”

“Oh my GOD.” The redhead stood on her toes to look over his shoulder. “There’s two of you.”